Chapter 5

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[ CHAPTER 5 : Raid ]

July 18, 2021
9:43 A.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

I slowly opened my eyes and I slowly sit down at the side of the bed. "Ugh. My head hurts and what am I doing in a bed? I thought I died in the game because of my fight with that Black Crows Gang." Suddenly the door opens and a man suddenly went in, he looks like the manager of the inn. Wait! Am I still in the game?! Sh*t I didn't logged out yesterday! I still need to unpack some things up.

"Hey! You're already awake, Zero. Thanks about yesterday, for saving us to those gangs. They always keep coming every week because they know that all of the players that are being spawned here are beginners and no one will have the guts to fight them back but now, you're the only one who showed them how dangerous beginners are. I guess, for now they won't come back until you're here." That's messed up! "Those players must be ban!" I said. "No, we already tried that. They got ban then again, they always make a new one. It's just endless, we need them to be held in a prison so that they will not cause any harms again." Hmm... That's true. "Well, I'll just hunt them down again and put them in prison." If I'm gonna do that, I still need to stay in here for a few days I guess. "Well, not a bad idea but you also need to level up fast before you can fight them again because for sure they will try to level up before they fight you again."

"Yeah! For sure." The manager of the inn, went to the door. "I'll go out now, if you're hungry don't be shy to go down for some breakfast, it's free because you saved us yesterday. By the way, my name is Dan." Well, I'll be sure to eat a lot since it's free! "Yeah sure, nice to meet you Dan." He smiles at me then went out of the door.

"Hmm... I need to get my sword from Smith then I'll try to level up as fast as I can before those Black Crows try to rob these inn again." I went down as soon as I changed my clothes.

"Hey, Dan! Uhmm... Can I order some of your best meals here." I said to Dan."Yeah, get ready to eat my wonderful meals!" Hell! Yeah! I'm going to the fullest!!

After a moment of eating and eating and eating and eatig and eating and eating! "Urghh! *Burps* Oopps! Excuse Me. Dan, Thank you for the meal. I should now get going, I still need to get my new sword from the blacksmith but don't worry I'll be back by the evening."

I went to Smith after I ate A LOT. I opened the door of the shop and it's deserted. Where is he? Is something happened. "Hello! Smith! Are you there? I need to get my sword. PLEASE!" But there's no answer. Suddenly there's a loud sound that can be heard everywhere. I think it's coming from the town hall.

I went out and rushed towards the plaza where the town hall is. There are full of players equipped with their weapons. What the hell is happening here? There are even guards readying their weapons! I talked to a player here, he said that there's gonna be a raid going on here and they still don't know what monster is gonna raid this town. They're still low level players so I think grouping themselves will be helpful to them.

I ran to the North Gate because the raid will gonna start there. As I approach the North Gate, I saw Smith with the Warriors defending the gate. The monsters began to push the gates then Smith shouted. "The raid has started! Prepare you weapons and avoid many casualties!" Woah! This raid is getting pretty serious. I also want to participate in this fight but Smith approached me and said, "Hey, Zero. Get back to the plaza, there are many players there. You can be safe there." No, I'll not go back there and I'll not let this chance to pass. I might get to a whole new level if I can participate in this battle.

"No! I'll battle this monsters." Before Smith can even speak, the gates has been destroyed and... huge orcs began to get inside the town. Sh*t I need to help them now or the orcs will destroy this town. I went inside a bar to get some barrels full of wine. I need to burn them down! I carry the barrel outside then I throw it to one of the orcs.

I equipped my daggers then activate my enhancement. "FIRE ENHANCEMENT!" My daggers are now covered with flames. I throwed my other dagger to the barrel that is now currently being hold by one of the orcs. The dagger succesfully thrusts in the barrel. The barrel began to be covered in fire and the orc that is currently holding it also began to be burn. The orc began to panic. He ran towards his fellow orcs as the orc touches the others they also started to burn. "Heh. You deserve that"

I retrieve my dagger then attacked the burning orcs before the effect of burning wears off. I slashed the neck of the nearest orc and made a critical hit then I continue slashing the burning orcs. I acquired many EXP. which levels me up fast, I look at the others and it seems they're having a hard time fighting the orcs. Especially the orcs are way too strong. I even got a bruise from one of the orcs but no worries he didn't damage me too much.

I helped the other warriors to fight the orcs which made them a little comfortable but my exhaustion gauge is almost at it's limit, I need to take a rest for now. "Zero! Take a break for now. We'll take it from here!" I retreat for a moment to take a rest suddenly a Giant Orc suddenly appeared infront of the gate.

"F*ck! Just when I started to take a rest!" Then a VS appeared infront of me.

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Level: 50


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Argh! He's way too strong for me, but I'll help just to save this town! And he even uses a huge stone hammer "The real fight starts now, it's time to get serious!

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Orc (Uncommon)


Hope you like this update! I'll keep updating until Sunday guys!I won't let you down! Don't forget to leave a vote and also comment at the comment section!

You should watch out, Zero! Because you're enemy is now a Boss Type! Will you stand a chance or will you die like a wimp? We'll get the answer in the next update!

~ Thank You :D ~

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