Chapter 19

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[ CHAPTER 19 : Order of Knights ]

July 23, 2021
3:16 P.M.


- | Damon's POV | -

It's been 2 hours since me and Night fought and it'll take 2 hours to respawn again. I shouldn't have killed him. I should've just remove that pet, using my spell but if I did that I'm gonna be the who's killed.

Tsk. I have no choice. "We're back! We just bought a wagon!" Shit! They still don't know what happened to Night. "Uhh... where's Night?" Oh shit! They noticed how can I explain this. "Uh-uhm... we have a rematch of our fight, he's about lose but he summoned his pet then suddenly his pet take over his body and Night began to change form then rampaged. So, I had no choice but to kill him to stop his rampaging."

Zero touched his chin and I know he's thinking of something. "But pets aren't supposed to take over their master's body." Yeah, that just popped out of my mind. "Yeah, shit. That pet I saw him take over Night's body. But how did he do that!?" What penomenon is this?!

"If the Order of Knights found out about that. They will hunt us and put us in prison for interrogation and most of all their leader Darius is pretty scary." Elizabeth explained. "Then we need to stop that fairy. How many hours after your battle with Night?" Zero asked. "It's been two hours." I answered. "Hmm... then Night is still offline. We'll discuss this later after Night respawn." Then a sudden banging of armor appeared out of nowhere and is marching towards this inn.

"Shit! Those are the Order of Knights! Did they already found out about Night's rampage?!" That's fast! Shit we gotta get out of here!

- | Zero's POV | -

Those Knights are fast! We gotta get out of here before they find out Night is one of our party member. I saw our wagon parked beside the inn and it's unseen by the Knights. "Hey, we gotta get out of here. We're gonna leave Night but I'll come back later to fetch him." Damon and Elizabeth agreed on me. "Jump this window and run towards our wagon. I'll back you up, go straight to the dungeon we found."

They jumped out off the window then landed at the ground, they started running towards the wagon then they quickly move the horse and the horse start running. "Hey! Someone suspicious is leaving the inn!" I equipped my Crimson Hood and also equipped my half-mask that only my mouth and nose are hidden. "Let's start this!"

I jumped out of the window then I threw my dagger at one of the Knights who's chasing the wagon. "BLINK." I got teleported at my dagger. As I hold my dagger, I twirl around while floating, then slashing the Knights in front of me! "AARRGGGHHH!" I throw my dagger again and this time, I'm aiming for the throats of one of the knights! WOOOSHHH! Bingo! The dagger stabbed at the Knight's throat, making him to hold my dagger. "BLINK." I got teleported at the dagger that was stabbed at the Knight's throat. I removed the dagger then kicked his head making him fell down the floor.

I continued throwing my dagger without using any skill except for my skill Blink. "GRAHHHH!!" Someone is charging behind me, I have no choice but to use this. "FLAMETHROWER!" I aimed my dagger at the ground then a huge wave of fire appeared at the blade of my dagger making me flew in the air!

The Knight that was charging behind me got surprised and cancelled his attack. This is my chance! As I fall down, I use my flame in the hands to boost me. "FLAME PIERCE!" I pointed my dagger at the Knight who cancelled his attack. And a huge flame coming from my dagger, pierced through him! Making him fell into the ground with hole in his chest.

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