Chapter 2

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[ CHAPTER 2 : The Beginning ]

July 17, 2021
2:14 P.M.


-| Axel's POV |-

"Welcome to Dragon Slayers Online!" Diane the NPC said. Hmm... last time this game doesn't have any of this, it's like they updated it before they released it. "Hello! Can I ask what is your name?" Diane said. Then a VS appeared infront of her.

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What is your in-game name?


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"Hmm... I think my name will be... Zero" I said to Diane, she quickly type Zero then something rings after she typed my IGN. "Your name is available, do you want to use it?" Diane asked. "Yes, Zero will be my IGN!" I said. "Well then! You're good to go, Zero" Diane said. "Next is choosing your class and sub-classes" Hmm... I already decided what I'm gonna pick in the first place so it'll not be a drag. "In this six classes what will you pick?" Then six people appeared infront of me wearing different armors. "Now, a VS will appear infront of you, explaining every one of these classes, you must pick one of the classes that best suits you." As what she said, a VS appeared infront of me, and it says:

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1. Warrior / Fighter - a warrior uses only one sword they focus on their physical damage and on their armors or defense. They also have lots of stamina so if it's a battle of stamina, Warriors will surely win.

Health : 500/500
Mana : 300/300
Physical Damage : 13
Magical Damage : 8
Strength: 25
Defense : 24
Critical Hit : 4
Accuracy : 6
Agility : 7

2. Archer / Ranger - These are Range Class, they excel on using bows, but they can't fight hand to hand combat because they lack the ability of direct combat.

Health : 500/500
Mana: 450/450
Physical Damage : 28
Magical Damage : 13
Strength: 9
Defense : 7
Critical Hit : 12
Accuracy : 14
Agility : 10

3. Assassin / Rogue - Assassins are great in hand to hand combat because they use small daggers but most player will win if they can match the speed of an assassin. They're also scary if their stealth level is beyond average because if they use their stealth skill before attacking, the damage that the enemy received will be doubled. Assassins are quite weak against warriors because of the high defense of a warrior and paladin.

Health : 500/500
Mana : 350/350
Physical Damage : 27
Magical Damage : 6
Strength: 13
Defense : 9
Critical Hit : 14
Accuracy : 17
Agility : 26

4. Healer / Priest - Healers are the best supports. They always find a party because their skills can only be helpful against team mates, since healers always uses mana they're more focus on increasing their mana limits. Most of the healers doesn't survive against one versus one because they don't do much damage.

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