Chapter 1

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[ CHAPTER 1 : Welcome To Dragon Slayers Online ]

July 17, 2021
1:26 P.M.


-|Axel's POV|-

It's been a month since X Corp. released the game Dragon Slayers Online or DSO for short. Since I'm one of the Beta Tester I got half a million euro and a free Nerve Gear and a DSO cartridge. After we finished the Beta Test we've been given a month to rest and have fun with our family but since I don't have any family now, I just spent my time buying a house, I just want a simple house just for me. Then I found the perfect house for me it's not that big because I'm the only one who's gonna live there. It's a tiny house, it has a simple kitchen, it's not that big but it's not that small either. It also has 1 bedroom with a masterbed, it has a bathroom too I could say the bathroom is perfect since it has complete appliances in there. It also has a game's room where I'm gonna put my computers and laptop and also my Playstation. The living room is great too because it so wide in there it can almost fit 20 people in there. After a while of thinking, I bought it with 200,000.

It's been almost a month since I moved in my new house and I'm starting to think if I'm gonna play that game now since I can use my old account. "Hmm... Well, now that I'm getting bored of this, doing nothing maybe I'll start to play that game again." I said talking to myself.

I turned on the Nerve Gear and it starting to light up, "Long time no see, my old Nerve Gear, I'm excited to play you again!" I said. The Nerve Gear is now ready, I pick up the DSO cartridge and insert it to the Nerve Gear then the light of the Nerve Gear started to flicker. I layed down in my bed then I placed the Nerve Gear in my head. Before I can enter the game I need to shout "Link Start" so I can enter the game.

"Link Start!" - Axel

As I shout that, rainbow colors starting to appear to my vision. I'm starting to get dizzy by looking at the colors so I closed my eyes so that I can prevent getting dizzy. After a second, I felt like that the rainbow colors are starting to disappear then as I opened my eyes. I saw only white color, "I think I'm in the White Room." I said. White Room is where most people starts because their gonna pick their class and sub-classes. Then a holographic woman appeared infront of me, "Hi! I'm Diane, Welcome To Dragon Slayers Online!"

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Guys! This is Chapter 1! Hope you enjoy it! Also sorry for the short update, I'll make it longer next time since this is only "The Beginning"

If you enjoy this Chapter please leave a vote and comment at the comment section some features I can add on DSO!

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