Chapter 21

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[ CHAPTER 21 : City of Aqua ]

July 24, 2021
2:03 P.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

We arrived here at 2 P.M. because we got ambushed by some thieves but yeah... they didn't last long. After they appeared Night shot them down, there are 4 of them and they got killed by just 4 arrows. Then my party members got out off the wagon, and looted the thieves but they didn't loot any useful items, they just looted 10,000 SC. Thieves are pretty brainy, they usually left their looted items at their hideout or something then they'll be stealing others again.

I read something in the website of DSO. It's about the marks on above their head. Usually when you look above the head of a player, you'll see a white pointer. The marks depends on their reputation in the game. White Mark means they are regular players who doesn't steal or kill player illegally. Orange Mark means they steal on other players. Red Mark means they kill players illegally or they PK. The marks won't go back into color white unless they turn theirselves in the prison. Huh? I guess I really learned something.

~CRRACCCK~ the sound of the huge gate while opening.

"Let's go! The guards let us in because we explained what is our reason coming here." Damon said. "Yeah. You explained that we have business in this city even though we're just gonna hunt monsters." I whipped the horse then we entered the city.

"WOAHH! THIS PLACE! IT'S INCREDIBLE!" After we enter the gate, an incredible two huge lake welcomed us and the lake was cut by a tiny dirt road. "Hmm... there's a forest after this lake maybe we can hunt monsters on there." I looked at the far end of this lake and Night is correct there is a forest after this lake.

After a few minutes we passed the lake and the forest and after that a big huge door opened in the ground and a slope can be seen. I guess we'll have to take this road since this is the dead end.

"This place really is mystical!" After we entered the gate and take the slope. All of us saw the city it's surrounded by waters! Is this the lake we saw earlier? Are we at the lake? "We are really under the lake just as the rumors say."


"Ah!" I fell into the ground as someone bumps into me. What the hell?! "Hey, come back!" He quickly runs as I call him. Is that a gold? I looked at what he's holding and I can see something glowing in his hands.

"Stop, there! Thief!" He's a thief? I looked at the cursor above his head and it's color orange. Wait! He bumps into me! Maybe he stole some of my money! I checked my pocket and gladly I still have my money.

"Who could that be? He's an orange player." Damon then helped me get off of my feet. "You alright?" I nodded. "So thieves also run around this place. I need to be more careful, this time." 

"Let's find an inn, then we'll go out in the fields for more training." We found an inn and then we placed our things on each of our rooms and we headed outside the city.

"Let's go find some monsters!" We head towards the big lake and there we found some half-monster, half-fish. "Here we go!" I equipped my newly-made sword, the Dark Repulser!

After a few hours of fighting, we finally got to level 80! "Well, that was fast! But I can't deny it, the monsters here were strong." Then suddenly the ground shakes, and it's getting stronger and stronger! What is happening?!

"GRRRRRAAAWWRRR!" A monster with 5 heads appeared in the water. Wait. I remember this monster! It's a Hydra! The middle head blows fire. "It's a Hydra!" My teammates were surprised. Then suddenly the middle head opened it's mouth. It's readying to burn us!


I got pushed back by the force but it's not burning us! "Wait. It's not a Flame Hydra!" Well, that's explains why that monster is living underwater. It's a Sea Hydra! "Let's fight it! We can maybe earn lots of exp!" Night said. "Yeah. Let's go!" Damon seconded.

Then Damon rushed in without thinking that, that Hydra can control water!


"ARGH!" Damon cried. "Look out!" Elizabeth shouted. The Hydra is planning to stomp Damon! "FLAME BOOSTER!" My feet got covered in flames and it made my agility faster.


I suddenly flew towards Damon and before the Hydra can stomp him, I caught him! "Night! Use explosive arrows!" I ordered. Night then draw his arrow and shot the leg of the Hydra! "EXPLOSION ARROWS!" The arrow that Night shot blinked red and as the arrows touched the legs of the Hydra, it quickly explode!

Smoke covered the area but after it got cleared. We saw the Hydra unharmed and he's still full health. "We got to get serious! Night and Damon, use your Souls!" Damon and Night nodded. "ARCIES! PRIMARY SOUL!" Damon changed form. "FAID! PRIMARY FORM!" Night also changed form. "Elizabeth! Support us while we're fighting!" I ordered. "Aye!" Elizabeth said.

"SWORD STYLE: DARK FLAME BURST!" My dark repulser got covered by black flame. "Now, get ready!" I said. "Damon go with the two left heads but don't cut it! Night go with the two right heads! Elizabeth provide support for the two! I'll go in the middle head." I ordered. "Yes, sir!"

I dashed towards the middle head of the Hydra, then I slashed it while avoiding to cut it. "Damon, stand back! Elizabeth find a way to destroy the body." Damon jumped backwards as a sign of retreating. "Now, get ready to slash the head all at once!" I said.


All of the heads got cut. "Elizabeth! Now!" I said. "Burn! Hydra! FLAME ELEMENT: IGNITE!" Elizabeth points her staff at the Hydra who's lying on the floor while regenerating her heads. A small fire shots at Hydra, then suddenly the Hydra began to be swallowed by the fire. After a few seconds the Hydra fell into the water.

"Yes, we defeated it!" Then a big shadow looms over me. Is she still... alive?! "Zero, run!" How? Did she still manage to get up? Is it because of the water? I looked at Hydra and I'm correct. The regeneration of her heads is because of the water that covers her.


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