Chapter 22

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[ CHAPTER 22 : Elizabeth VS. Sea Hydra ]

July 24, 2021
3:04 P.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

"ARGH!" A blast of water hit me making me to be thrown away and hit one of the big rocks. I tried to stand up but my feet are shaking and I'm spitting out my blood. "Ahh!" My body is aching. I fall down on the grass while holding my stomach.

"D-defeat... that... m-monster." As soon as I said those words my eyes began to close.

- | Elizabeth's POV | -

Zero is down. It means that Hydra has more power since it regenerated. Is it because of the water she's standing? If that is the reason then we need her to get out of the water.

"Damon! I've got a plan! Distract her, and lead her out of the water! The water makes her stronger." Damon nodded at me and then he started to run away from the Hydra and the Hydra came chasing for him.

"Night! Use your Explosive Arrows and aim for the head of the Hydra!" Night prepares his arrows.

"RAINBIRD! PRIMARY FORM!" A small round bird, with small wings and have blue color appeared beside me. "Tut! What do you want from, Master? Tut!" Rain asked. I call her Rain because Rainbird is too long to say. "I just wanted you to help me with this monster." Rain looked at the monster and she didn't even flinch. "Tut! Master, that Hydra is one of the bosses in this area. Tut! Her power is greatly increasing as the time passes by. Tut! If you want to defeat her you might want to start now. Tut! I looked at Damon, and he's already tired.

"Uh. Elizabeth you might want to make an order now. Damon is having a hard time." Night said. "Okay, at the count of three! Release your arrows! One. Two. Three! Fire!" Night released his arrows and it shot Hydra's middle head and the arrows explodes making a huge smoke.

After the arrows explodes. I quickly casted a fire spell. "FLAME ELEMENT: FIRE BALLS!" Five big rocks suddenly floated around me and it's covered with flames. "Now!" The flame rocks dashed towards the Hydra and it hit all of the heads of the Hydra making her lose balance and fall on the ground. The ground shakes when Hydra fell.

"Damon, attack her! While she's still disable!" I ordered. "Alright!" Damon said as he charge towards the fallen Hydra. "Night! Provide Damon a support!" Night also attacks Hydra.

"Rain. Are you ready?" I asked. I looked at Rain and she nodded. "Tut! We need to finish this, Master. Tut!" Rain said.

The Hydra slowly stands up and she aimed her head at Damon who's attacking her. "Damon, run!" Damon didn't run. BOOOGSSSHH! Damon received the Hydra's attack making him flew in the air and hit one of the trees. "Urgh. Finish this. Elizabeth." Damon gave me a thumbs up then he also lost consciousness.

"Aahhhh!!" Night shouted. I looked at him and he's being held by the tail of the Hydra. "Argh! Elizabeth! Help! Urgh!" The Hydea is crushing him! I need to move!

"Let's go, Rain!" I pointed my staff towards the Hydra and casted a spell. "STUN!" A small electricity flow at the tip of my staff and it shot towards Hydra that made her disable to move. We only have ten seconds.

I calmed myself and I can feel the power surging in my entire body. "FLAME ELEMENT: FLAMETHROWER!" I pointed my staff at the stunned Hydra and I can feel my power going into my staff. "Tut! WATER ELEMENT: WATER BLAST!" Rain's water blast mixed with my Flamethrower. "FLAME AND WATER UNISON!" We both shouted. Our Unison hit the Hydra and it depletes it's health until it dies.

I used up all of my mana. A floating stone appeared in front of me before I can even touch it Rain disappeared and I started to fall on the ground until I lost consciousness.

- | Zero's POV | -

"Ugh..." I woke up and I found myself lying beside a rock. I touched my stomach and it's aching.

I tried to remember what happened and I remembered that I collapsed while fighting the Hydra.

I found Night carrying Elizabeth to a shade on one of the trees. I stood up slowly then walked towards them slowly while my hands are in my stomach. "Ugh. Night." Night looked at me and my feet tripped into something but before I can even fall, Night caught me.

"Uh. Thanks." He carries me towards the tree and I sit beside Elizabeth who's unconscious. "You must stay in here and heal your wounds. I'll get Damon." I just nodded since I can't do anything in my state.

He left us and fetch Damon while carrying him in his back. I can't believe it but he carries Damon like a pile of feathers even though Damon is wearing heavy armors.

Night placed Damon beside me and he's also unconscious.

"Zero, I'm gonna leave all of you for a mean time. I'll gonna go get our wagon." I just nodded. I still can't speak clearly so I just nodded to what he's saying.

After that he left us and head towards the entrance of the city.

As soon as Night leaves, I heard a growl in one of the bushes beside the tree that is in front of us.

A huge bear with a sharp claws and fangs started to crawl out of the bushes and it looks like he's really hungry. I can see it on his face, his mouth is full of saliva like he's on a hungry mode.

I quickly opened my inventory. I tried to get a potion but my hands are shaking. "Move!" I said as I tried to punch my hands. I clicked the potion and three of it appeared in front of me.

I didn't notice it, but the bear is pulling Damon towards the bush. Sh*t! I drank the three potions and it healed only half of my health. I'm lucky my mana is already full.

I stands up slowly, trying to keep my balance. "Ugh. Half of my health has been healed but my wounds still didn't heal." There's nothing I can do about it.

I equipped my daggers and casted a spell. "VANISH!" I quickly disappeared then I ran behind the bear who's now dragging Damon.

"FIRE ENHANCEMENT!" My daggers got covered in flames. I pointed my two daggers at the back of the bear.

"FLAME PIERCE!" My dagger pierced through his back. I looked at the bear and his unscathed. "Grrroooaaarrr!" Looks like I made him pissed.

His claws suddenly glows white. I already saw what he's going to do, he'll attack me on the side. I jumped up then I kicked his head making him to be pushed back.

I walked towards him, while he's still touching his head. I touched his face, and casted a spell. "FLAME!" A fire appeared at my hands, the bear got burned and he's screaming because of the burning effect. "GROOOARR!" The bear screamed.

"FLAME PIERCE!" I pierced my daggers at the head of the bear making him die instantly.

I used up all of my mana again making me fall into the ground.

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