Chapter 18

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[ CHAPTER 18 : Damon VS. Night ]

July 23, 2021
1:35 P.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

"Are you finish?" I looked at Night who's still looking at the Class D Bows. "Hmm... This looks good but it's stats is low. I need to look at the other bows." He went to the right side of him and he saw a black bow and it's handle's design is a wing of a dragon.

"This'll do it!" He lift up the bow then he stretch it out. "Hmm? It's not stretchy enough but I guess I can buy a Class D string to change it." He looks at the bow for a second. "Okay! Let's buy this bow!" I tapped Night's shoulder then I point at the counter. "Let's go buy that bow." I walked in front the counter and then I handed the bow Night picked. "You want this Dragon Winged Bow, Sir?" He said. "Yes, please." I answered. "And that'll be 1,500 G.C." I opened my inventory and clicked the money I have. I measured it to 1,500 G.C. before clicking. The coins appeared in front of me then I handed it onto the man in the counter. "Thank you! Here is the Dragon Winged Bow, with an extra Class D string." The man handed me the bow then I gave it to Night who's happy right now because he got a free Class D string.

We walked through the door and as we open it, a familiar face appeared in front of me. "Hey, Zero!" It's Damon. "Who's this? A new party member?" He guessed it right. "Yeah. He's our new member." Then suddenly Damon smiled. "If you're our new member, then you have to fight me first." And Night also smiled. Oh god! This two! "I accept your challenge, and I can also test how good this bow is."
They walked outside the shop then faced to faced at the wide road.











Battle Start!

Damon equipped his sword and then charge towards Night with incredible speed. "Smoke Bomb!" Night threw a bomb in the ground and then the place got covered in smoke. "Don't hide." After a few second the smoke vanished and Night disappeared. "Where are you?!" Multiple arrows appeared in sight and it's heading straight to Damon.




The arrows got block... by his armor?! "Heh. Those arrows won't work." Damon suddenly released a familiar aura. "ARCIES! PRIMARY SOUL!" Damon's armor changed into white armor and thinner. "Let's get serious, shall we?" Damon jumped up with full force making him look like he's flying. "ARCIES SLASH WAVE!" Damon slashed the air and a white wave aopeared after that and it's heading towards one of the balcony of the house.

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