Chapter 24

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[ CHAPTER 24 : Dark Crest ]

July 25, 2021
1:54 P.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

We just finished eating our lunch and now we're packing up our items. We're now gonna head towards the Central City. "Ya'll ready?" I asked my members and all of them said, "Yeah!"

"Let's go! Let's leave this place and head towards the Central City!" I said and we head out. We left the inn and we saw the towns people are in a panic! They're shouting and running, it looks like they're running away from someone or something.

Then suddenly Damon held onto one of the runners. "What's happening?" Damon asked. "RUN! RUN AWAY FROM HERE! THEY'RE COMING! THAT GUILD! THEY'RE COMING!" The man said but all of us didn't understand what he was saying. "Who? Who's coming?!" Damon asked. "Dark Crest!" Damon suddenly let go of the man and the man started to run away.

"They're hunting me! I stole a valuable item from them! They will not let me go!" Damon said and that hits me! Damon was from that guild!

"Let's go! We need to get out of this city soon!" I ordered and we started to run away.

- | Someone's POV | -

"He's here. I can feel his presence." I said. This guild will be nothing if I'm not here. The members are strong but they lack to find the one they're hunting. In other words, they lack the ability to sense others aura.

"Tell me... Where is he?" The leader spoke. He's taking this case seriously. "He's on the west side of the city, Leader." The leader stood up. "All Commanders! Order your underlings to find that traitor! If he fights back, KILL HIM!" The leader ordered and all the Commanders ordered their underlings to find the traitor. The underlings scattered around the city.

"Let's wreak havoc!" I shouted and all of them screamed. This is the end of line for you, First Commander, Damon.

- | Zero's POV | -

We're here at the west side of the city and unfortunately we're trapped. A bunch of black hooded men have us surrounded.

"Damn it!" Damon shouted. "Calm down, all of them are weak." Elizabeth said. I observed them but Elizabeth is wrong, their equipments are beyond ours but we need to get out of this situation.

"Hehehe! Just hand over Damon to us! Or this'll be a bloody fight. You don't want that right?" One of the men said.

"Night, kill him first and make sure he'll not survive." I ordered. "So you want to d-" Before he can finish his sentence an arrow hit his neck and now his HP is reducing. "Attack! They hit one of our comrades!" All of them attacked at once. In my conclusion, there are thirty men charging directly at us.

"Elizabeth." I said and Elizabeth quickly nodded without me ordering her. "Damon, try to reduce their men then retreat. We don't want you getting kidnapped by them." I said and Damon nodded.

"LET'S GO!" I shouted and Elizabeth, Damon and Night fought all the Dark Crest and killing them in the process.

"Let's get outta here! Playtime is over!" We ran quickly to the west gate and we arrived at the west side of the entrance.

"What're we gonna do? Our wagon is on the north side." Night said. Yeah, that is a problem. I'm sure they already seized our wagon but we don't have any choice. It's our only way out. "Let's go, and get out wagon back." The last time we used the wagon is when we fought the Hydra. Then Elizabeth put the wagon back, outside of the city.

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