Chapter 25

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[ CHAPTER 25 : Red - Eye Crow, Primary Form ]

July 26, 2021
8:43 A.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

I'm the first one here. I might need to wait for them. Anything can happen in this forest.

So yesterday, we stopped here in front of the entrance of the Hunter's Grove since we've been travelling for four hours yesterday. It'll be hard if we try to enter the Hunter's Grove by ourselves.

I'll explain, Hunter Groves is where most of the bounty hunters live, if you can't get past on this grove then you're not worthy of setting foot in Central City. That's right! In front of all the gates, North, South, East, and West. All of them has a Hunter's Grove.

And that is where the bounty hunters come in. They will catch all of the notorious players and they will hand them over to the Central City's Leader. So, if you can't get past this grove, you'll be locked in the prison or end up dying. That's why you need to get stronger to past this grove.

Here in Hunter's Grove, you're free to kill the hunters or the players. In other words, this is a Free-Kill Zone.


I rolled to my left and I saw a dagger stucked on the ground where I was sitting earlier. Damn. Someone's targetting me.

I looked at where the dagger came from and I saw someone standing on one of the branches of the trees inside the forest. The forest is quite dark and I can only see his shadow.

"Who are you?!" I shouted but he didn't spoke. Tsk. I equipped my crimson dagger and threw it towards him. He jumped from the other branches and as soon as my dagger hit the branch he was standing on earlier, I used my skill Blink. Teleporting me to the branch.

I threw another one at him and now we're closer to each other. As soon as my dagger got close to him. I used my skill, Blink. Teleporting me in front of him. "I said who are you?!" I shouted. Before he can jumped at the other branch. I got a hold of his arms and locked his neck with my other arm while pointing my dagger at his neck. "Tsk."

"Who are you?" I asked again. "Bounty Hunter." He said timidly. Wait, I don't have any bounty on my head. "But I don't have any bounty." I said and he just smiled. "I know. I'm here to kill you for fun." As soon as he said that a flame covered his body, making me to let go of him. I was lucky this branch was thicker than the others, if it's not I should've fallen on the ground.

"Do you know my name?" He asked but I didn't spoke because I don't know him. I looked at him and he's now looking at me directly. He's appearance, he has a scar in his left eye and he has a red hair and a katana on his right side. He's left handed.

"They call me, The Flame Demon." Really? I can manipulate the attributes of fire by using different weapons. "Ok." I said.

"Why don't we fight?" He said. "Ok." Then he send me a duel request and I accepted it. "You'll regret it." I said and he just smirked.












He dashed towards me with such speed and the last thing I know is he's in front of me already. "Damn." I said. "FLAME KATANA : MOON STRUCK!" He hold his katana that is still sheathed and then he lets go of it.


"GRAAAAAGGHHHHHH!" I screamed in pain. Argh! What the hell?! He didn't even unsheathes his sword. How did he do that?! I can feel the fire at my chest. I looked at in front of me and there's a fire floating in the air that looks like a moon.

"Now scream in agony." He said. Then the fire that's floating in the air suddenly disappeared and the last thing I know is my body started to glow and my insides are boiling. "GRAGGGHHH!" Help.

"Help." My mind said. Then a voice I never heard before started to speak. "Do you need me, Master?" Is he Red?! "Yes. I need your help, Red." I said in my mind. "Then summon me, master." He said.

"RED-EYE... C-CROW! PRIMARY F-FORM!" I said and Red suddenly appeared in front of me and he's a lot bigger than the last time. "Master. I shall fuse my body into you." He said and I just nodded. I can still feel the fire inside my body.

Red started to disappear and I can feel his power fusing into mine. "ARGGHH!" I shouted. I can feel something growing at my back and my right hand is becoming a sword.

 I can feel something growing at my back and my right hand is becoming a sword

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"W-what are you?!" He asked as he looks at me. "I'm... Zero." I said and I stood up and I saw my back grew wings and my right hand became a blade and I have a horn at my forehead.

"Master. I already removed his spell. You're free to kill him anytime." Red explained. "Alright."

"Now. Where we're we?" I asked and suddenly he unsheathes his katana. "Tsk. I'll kill you!" He said and he dashed towards me.

I flapped my wings upwards and dived in the air. I readied my right arm and as soon as I got near to him, I cast a spell. "RED-EYE CROW BLADE : DISASTER SLASH!" I flew passed him while my blade is still mid-air. "Now, scream in agony."

"GRAGHHHHH!!!" He screamed. I looked at him and his body got cut in half and his blood isn't red, it's black. "D-damn you." He whispered before he died. His avatar disappeared and I got a loot out of him.

"Thank you, Red." I said. "No problem, Master." He said and I returned to my normal form. "2,000 Silver Coins and a Cursed Katana." I said as I looked at my loot.

I returned at the entrance of the forest and I can feel my legs are giving up. Damn. That form sure took a lot out of me.

I looked at the wagon and I saw them waiting for me.

I really need to improve my stamina and strength. So I can control my power, the next time I'll use it.

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