•Welcome, Little One•

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You are now nine months pregnant and are very eagerly, yet impatiently, awaiting the day your little one makes their debut into the world.
'Come on already,baby', you think to yourself as you lay awake, unable to sleep due to the discomfort your lower back is giving you. You turn over to your other side to face Loki (how you managed to do that, you'll never know), gently nudging his sleeping form. "Loki," you gently, yet firmly say. He stirs a bit as he turns over onto his other side, still fast asleep. You begrudgingly sigh, nudging him a little harder. " Loki!" you exclaim slightly annoyed.  He wakes up startled and panicked. "Is everything okay? Are you in labor darling?"he asks with anxiety obvious in his voice.
"I'm fine," you begin, "and no, that's the problem, Loki, I'm so uncomfortable and sore that I can't sleep."
"Is there anything I can do for you, my love?" He sweetly asks you while rubbing small circles on your back. A devilish smirk forms on your face as you place your hand on his thigh. "Well, actually yes there is," you say seductively," I read that having sex can induce labor and -" Loki immediately cuts you off with a kiss. "Say no more," he says using his magic to render you both naked and already positioning you under him, before slowly entering you, causing you to moan in pleasure as he does so. Hours later, you lay asleep in Loki's arms greatly satisfied with the orgasms he provided you. Suddenly, you're awakened by strong pains in your lower abdomen that are very slowly intensifying, causing you to cry out in agony. Loki hearing your cries, wakes up, pulling you close to him."What's wrong,love?" He asks you. "It's time," you manage to say through the pain. "Are you sure?" Loki asks anxiously. You glare at him furiously. He quickly gets the hint as he gets up out of bed and rushes over to you, helping you up. As you both get into the living room, Loki suddenly pauses. "What is it?" You ask irritated. " Almost forgot the hospital bag," he replies as calmly as possible. As he rushes back to the bedroom to get the bag, you feel a warm, strong rush of fluid come out of you. "Loki! My water just broke!" You call out to him. Moments later, Loki appears back with the bag and you head to the hospital.
The contractions are in full force now, as Loki sits at your bedside holding your hand, not minding the fact that you have a death grip on his hand. You finally, after what feels like forever, have the urge to push. The doctor comes in to check your progress and instructs you to push. "Your dick is not going anywhere near my pussy again!" you say to him in distress. Loki, knowing that you don't actually mean that, nods in understanding.
After several hours of labor and pushing, your beautiful baby girl is born. She looks just like Loki except with your (E/C) eyes .

Once the nurse gently places her in your arms, you feel overwhelmed with tears of joy falling from your eyes

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Once the nurse gently places her in your arms, you feel overwhelmed with tears of joy falling from your eyes. Loki looks lovingly at the two of you as he says," she's beautiful, just like her mother." He smiles at you with his own tears of happiness threatening to fall. "Would you like to hold her?" You ask Loki. His gorgeous features show a look of fraught and uncertainty. "I don't want to hurt her, she's so delicate." He says softly. "It'll be okay, you won't hurt her." You say reassuringly. His anxiety disappears as he carefully takes her from your arms and holds her close to his chest as he plants a sweet, loving kiss on her forehead. For a brief moment, she turns into the beautiful, blue shade of a Jotun, Loki looks at her with utter surprise. You see the look in Loki's eyes and lightly touch his arm. "She's perfect, just like you, my love." Loki, feeling reassured by your words and the loving look in your eyes, nods in agreement. I'll protect you no matter what, baby girl, you are my precious little princess, Loki thinks to himself. "What should we name her?" Loki asks you lovingly. You take a moment to think about your answer. A smile grows on your face. "How about...Amara?" Loki looks at his daughter as he smiles in contentment. "Amara, it's beautiful. It's perfect, just like our baby girl."
After awhile, the doctor comes to check on you and Amara. They tell you that everything looks good and you are free to go home. Loki carries Amara out in her car seat on one arm, while holding your hand with his free hand while you make your way to the car.
After some time passes, you finally make it home. Loki gently takes your sleeping daughter out of her car seat and takes her to her nursery, placing her in the bassinet. You go into the bedroom and put on something a little more comfortable.  A short while after that, Loki comes into the room, standing behind you, pulling you closer.  He turns you so that you're facing him, looking into your eyes he says," we made a beautiful, sweet little angel." You smile at him in agreement, caressing his cheek. " yes, we sure did." Loki closes the remaining gap between the two of you, passionately kissing you, and then sweeps you up off of your feet, carrying you bridal style to the bed. After setting you down on the bed, he crawls into bed and puts his arm over your side. You both end up falling asleep fairly quickly, but are awoken hours later by your crying baby girl. Loki goes to get up, when he is held back by your hand on his chest. "I'll get her love, she's probably hungry." You kindly, but groggily say to Loki. "Okay darling, but I'm getting her next time." He says sleepily. "Deal." You smile at him and proceed to comfort Amara.  You know that this is the start of many sleepless (but very worthwhile and rewarding) nights,  and you couldn't be happier.

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