all birds eventually leave the nest, but promise me you'll fly back one day

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A/N: This is pretty much a bit of a filler chapter before the next few. I have so much planned for them and I can't wait to share it all with you guys but for now, I do hope that you enjoy this little number. Congratulations Amara on your graduation! I am also going to make the next chapter or two much longer. 

One of the biggest days of Amara's life had finally arrived and she had spent the entirety of her morning getting her hair and makeup done up, with you by her side the whole time. Loki and Axel had stayed behind, getting everything in line for her party this coming weekend, with most of her family attending; including her uncle Thor and her extended family with the Avengers. As she gazed upon her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but smile widely as she seen how gorgeous she was looking. "I've never felt so beautiful before," she gasped, blinking away some happy tears, not wanting to smudge her eyeliner. You smiled warmly at her. "You're always beautiful sweetheart," you sincerely said, holding a tissue in your hand, unable to believe that your baby was all grown up and graduating already. 

This day was both exciting and emotional for all involved, especially hard on Loki, who didn't want to see his little girl leaving home soon; but at the same time, he was more than happy for her and knew that she would move on to great opportunities. He flipped through the scrapbook that she had made for him and smiled fondly at all of the photos, cherishing every single moment that they had gone through together. "Where did all of the time go? She was just a baby and now, she'll be getting ready to explore the world on her own for the first time. I just hope that she'll be safe out there," he spoke to himself, becoming a little worried at the thought of something happening to her. No, it'll be alright, he told himself. He had taught her some self defense moves years ago when he had given her a set of daggers for her to keep on her at all times and was even taught how to summon them from her pocket dimension whenever she needed them in a hurry. Luckily, she didn't need to use them this far in her life and he hoped that day would never come. 

His thoughts were soon disturbed when he had heard the front entrance open and the sounds of multiple pairs of feet entering the house, knowing that it was you and Amara returning from the salon. Loki put the book away and headed down to the entrance to greet the two of you, feeling excited to see the end results of the appointment. When he saw her, his eyes widened and an awestruck expression grew onto his features, there were even a few tears welling up in his eyes; until he managed to blink them away, clearing his throat a little before speaking to his darling daughter. "Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous my girl. Don't forget to hold your head up high and smile proudly, this is your day and no one is going to take that away from you," he said, affectionately holding the back of her neck, much like his brother would do to him; and there was a moment where you could swear that his tail feathers were fanning out, just from the amount of pride that was radiating off of his form.  Amara smiled softly and hugged her father, lingering in the hug for as long as she could, never really wanting to let go when she eventually pulled away after a good seven to ten seconds. 

"Thank you dad, I wanted to surprise you later at the ceremony but um, we're supposed to have a dance with someone special to us and I would love it if that could be with you," she coyly hinted at, her hands tucked neatly behind her back. Loki smiled at her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, being careful not to put too much pressure on her. "My dear daughter, it would mean the world to me to be your special dance. I wouldn't miss this opportunity for anything in the entire cosmos," he happily agreed, leaning forward to place a sweet kiss to her forehead. 


Later on that following evening, Amara had gotten her gorgeous sapphire blue mermaid style dress on, along with the accessories Loki had gotten for her and her silver two inch heels to go along with it and was anxiously sitting on the stage with her classmates, trying to keep her nerves at bay. She sat as a princess would, with her head held up high and her back straight, her legs together and feet flat on the floor, with her hands neatly folded over her lap. Her father was right, this was her big night and she wasn't going to let anything nor anyone bring her high spirits down, especially not herself. "Amara Lokidottir," she heard her name being called from the principal of the school, rising up to her feet and held up her dress just enough so that she would trip on it, carefully yet gracefully walking over to the podium where she accepted her diploma and shook his hand with a proud smile on her face, as she rightfully should-she had done it, she completed high school. Now, there were other feats to overcome in her future but those would all have to wait for a moment, she had a special dance coming up with her father to do first; something that she eagerly looked forward to. 

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