•it's not your fault•

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It was another ordinary morning. The birds were chirping, the sun had risen to its peak, and you could smell the calming scent of last night's rain, thanks to the light breeze that was drifting it through your slightly opened bedroom window. You slowly peaked your eyes open, and were shocked to see that Loki wasn't in his place beside you, instead coming through the door with some breakfast he had prepared for you and the growing baby inside of you.

"Good morning my dear, I made you breakfast,"he smiled softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek before carefully putting the plateful of crepes down onto your lap, complete with strawberries and whipped cream.

"Oh Loki, thank you so much," you smiled back, beginning to dig into the delicious smelling food, making a sound of contentment as the crepes melted in your mouth.

You soon heard the sound of little feet making their way into your room, and looked up from the plate to see Amara coming in with a softball in her hands, all dressed and ready to go outside. She began to plead with Loki to take her outside and play, with you assuring him that it was okay to take her, telling him that you would be fine. Besides, he'd only be out back, and if anything urgent came up, he was just a thought away. One of the many perks of being married to a god.

It didn't take much convincing on Amara's part to get him to cave in, seeing that he was definitely wrapped around her little finger, something that no one else would ever be able to accomplish with the God of Mischief; only you and Amara being the exception, and within a few more months time, your newborn baby.
Loki and Amara went outside after he had her give you a good morning kiss on the cheek, while she decided to add one to your ever growing baby bump, her way of saying 'hello' to her on the way sibling, before heading outside to have a quick game of catch with dad. She ran around the yard excitedly, until Loki had called out to her to come closer to him and listened so well to him, standing just a few feet away; the perfect distance to throw and catch a ball without too much strain or effort. They tossed it back and forth for awhile, even adding a few tricks to make things a bit more interesting, but never anticipated just how interesting they were about to be; going south in one of the worst ways possible.

Amara had decided to try jump off from the deck railing, something that Loki had quite strongly warned her against doing, and had even used his magic repeatedly to get her down from there, not wanting her to get hurt. His last attempt to get her down from there seemed to be working until he had turned his back for merely a second, and quickly turned around again upon hearing a loud scream from her, only to see her laying on the ground not yet trying to get up.


He rushed over to her as fast as his long legs could carry him, and knelt down beside her, trying not to freak out as he saw his little girl looking rather weak with a bit of a lump on her head.

'No,no,no....,' he thought, as he scooped her up into his arms and rushed into the house to frantically inform you about what had just happened, before teleporting Amara to the hospital after telling you that he would come back for you as soon as he possibly could.

''My poor baby, I hope that she'll be alright,' you thought as you paced anxiously around the house, waiting for Loki to come and get you, wanting to see your daughter so desperately. Tears began to floor your eyes, fearing that the injury would be so serious that she may never be able to function normally again, and you had hoped that she had inherited a fast healing factor like her father, just like so many other traits she had got from him.

Meanwhile back at the hospital, Loki watched nervously as a pair of nurses worked together to clean up Amara to the best of their abilities and placed a gauze wrap around her head afterwards, proceeding to check all of her vital signs. Her eyes slowly began to close and her breathing soon become irregular, with her quickly slipping into an unconscious state, the nurses politely but sternly asked Loki to vacate the room for a moment and paged the doctor before beginning to hook her up to so many machines; which only worried Loki more than he already was, as he started to pace up and down the halls anxiously with tears beginning to flood his eyes. He started to blame himself for this, cursing himself under his breath and thought that he should've kept a closer eye on her, maybe then this wouldn't have happened.

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