•Happy Father's Day•

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Ah, Father's Day morning. Nine in the morning to be precise. You had carefully crawled out of bed, heading into the kitchen to make breakfast for Loki and was greeted by Amara who had already begun to mix some pancake batter in a large bowl; however, she had made a bit of a mess, you knew she meant well though. You chuckled softly to yourself, before walking up to her and helped her mix it a little better, getting her to make a drawing for Loki afterwards; all while you cooked the pancakes, not wanting her to get burned. You couldn't wait for her and Loki to go out and spend some much needed father-daughter bonding time, as it would give you some time to ready the surprise you had in store for him; knowing that he was about to be blown away from it, hopefully in a good way.

Amara had worked very hard on her picture for her father and looked it over with such care to detail, making sure that it was perfect; if it wasn't, you would most definitely hear about it. She had drawn her and Loki in their Jotun forms, standing in a garden with butterflies and a rainbow; having written a sweet little message on the picture that read:

Happy Father's Day to the coolest dad in the universe

Love, Amara

She got up from her chair and showed you the drawing, asking for your opinion on it, with you of course telling her that you thought it was, "very pretty." She smiled widely at the appraisal and after you told her that the pancakes were ready, she cheered with so much enthusiasm; running into the bedroom where Loki was still fast asleep, the odd snore able to be heard from him. Luckily for him, he was adorable.

It was in bouts of soft giggles that she crawled up onto the large queen size bed and lightly pounced at her father, causing him to lose his breath for a moment; waking up immediately afterwards. He was about to be upset about his beauty sleep being disturbed but just couldn't do it when he saw his daughter's bright eyes looking so sweetly at him, that soft, yet mischievous smile on her features. He smirked to himself as he slowly rose up and snaked his hands over to her, pausing them as he got halfway to her; tickling her sides, eliciting stints of uncontrollable laughter from Amara.

"Daddy!" she shrieked, trying to catch her air and continued to laugh hysterically, with Loki chuckling alongside her.

He only stopped when he saw how red her cheeks were, picking her up and setting her down on his lap, pressing a kiss to her forehead; just in time too, as you were walking through the door with his breakfast in your hands. Along with the drawing that Amara had forgotten to take with her, being too excited to wake up her father.

"Good morning handsome," you smile, as you set the plate of pancakes on his bedside table, leaning in to tenderly kiss his lips.

"Good morning my dear," he smiles back, returning the kiss, and looked over at the food beside him, taking in the sweet scent of the strawberries that topped the pancakes; along with some whipped cream.

He moved Amara down a little to make room for his plate and began to enjoy his breakfast, sharing a few bites with Amara; he had offered you as well, but you politely declined. After he had finished every single bite, you gestured to Amara to give him his picture and as he looked down at his daughter's artwork, he began to blink away tears; feeling a little weepy from the sweetness of his little princess.

"Thank you sweetheart, it's very beautiful," Loki cooed, hugging her and then turning his head to press a gentle kiss to hers, pulling away shortly afterwards.

"You're welcome Dada," Amara smiled in response, "may we go horseback riding today," she asked, looking pleadingly into Loki's eyes, an expression that always made him melt every time she did it.

"Of course we can princess," he agreed, gently booping her nose and got up out of bed, using his magic to change from his pyjamas into his green and black Asgardian battle uniform; the one that you said hugged him perfectly in all of the right places.

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