||•Tea Party•||

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It was a cloudy afternoon which made the day feel like it was never going to end, and you were currently snuggled up on the couch with Loki watching a movie, while Amara was otherwise occupied playing with one of her many dolls in the same room as the two of you. She had a smile of contentment as she brushed her doll's long brown hair, and then placed the doll down on the floor once she was sure the doll's hair looked good enough. She got up from her spot on the floor, and disappeared into another room.
After awhile, when you couldn't hear any sounds from her, you start to wonder what she was doing. You get up from Loki's embrace on you, and go to find where Amara went, only to find her in her bedroom setting up her small plastic play table with the tea set you had gotten her. She had carefully set the little saucers down on the table, along with teacups and spoons, and then began to seat a few of her favourite plush animals down on the chairs, making sure that they weren't slouching.

"Hey sweetie," you say, walking into the room, " what are you doing," you ask, kneeling down to get on her level.

"I'm having a tea party," she responds, looking sweetly into your eyes.

She then goes over to her toy box, rummaging through it, and pulls out a couple of her dress up tiaras, placing one on her head and the other one on the table in front of an empty chair.

"Who's that one for," you inquire, having a good feeling what her answer is going to be.

"It's for daddy," she quickly replies, a small smile on her face.

You can't help but to let a smirk grow on your lips as you imagine the thought of Loki wearing one of Amara's tiaras, chuckling softly to yourself.

"I'm sure that'll look very pretty on dad," you coo, smiling softly at her, " would you like a few cookies for the party," you ask, slowly pulling yourself up from your crouched down position.

Amara nods 'yes' in response, and continues to setup the tea party, as you make your exit from her room and head over to the kitchen, getting a few of the cookies you had baked a few days ago from the cookie jar, taking them over to her room and placing them down on the table, one in front of each chair.

"Thank you mommy," she softly says, running up to you and wrapping her arms around your legs to hug you.

"You're very welcome honey," you respond, crouching down to give her a proper hug, and then pressing a kiss to her head.

You head back into the living room, where Loki was still sitting watching the last few minutes of the movie that was playing, with Angel curled up on his lap and loudly purring away. You sit back down beside him on the couch, and press a kiss to his lips.

"Is everything okay my dear," Loki asks, taking your hand into his, and looking your eyes with a hint of concern on his expression, while occasionally petting Angel's soft, fluffy coat with the other hand.

"Yes, she's just playing in her room," you reply, giving him a small smile with Loki smiling back at you in response.

Not long after that, Amara comes into the living room and approaches Loki, taking his hand into her little hand in an attempt to pull him up from his spot on the couch. Loki gently moves Angel from his lap to yours, and then slowly gets up from the couch.

"Follow me daddy," Amara coos, tugging on her father's hand.

"Where are we going princess," Loki softly asks with a small chuckle, as he holds onto her hand and follows her out of the living room into her bedroom.

Upon entering the room, Amara lets go of Loki's hand and pulls a chair out for him, looking up at him with a soft look on her expression.

"Sit down please daddy," she says, pulling out her chair and taking a seat.

Loki does as he's asked, and takes a seat down on the little chair, adjusting his long legs to be more comfortable. He looks down at the table, seeing the cookie and tiara in front of him, and then looks over at Amara, watching her adjust the plastic dishes in front of her.

"Put on your crown daddy," she says with a heart-melting smile, pointing at the tiara in front of him.

Loki picks up the tiara, that had pink rhinestones in-crested on it, and places on top of his head. He's about to pick up the cookie and eat it, when Amara catches him and gives him a look of derision.

"No daddy," she scolds him, standing up and placing her hands on her hips, " we can't eat the cookies yet, we have to have our tea first," she expresses, gesturing to the tea pot and sitting back down in her chair while adjusting her ruffly pink skirt.

"I'm sorry princess," Loki apologetically says, trying not to chuckle at how cute his daughter looked while she was scolding him, and places the enticing chocolate chip cookie back down on the table, " would you like me to pour the tea, sweetie?"

Amara looks into her father's eyes, and nods her head softly with a smile on her face. Loki smiles back at her, and picks up the tea pot carefully 'pouring' the tea into each of the teacups, starting with the one to the left of him that was in front of her plush bunny, Floppy.

"No daddy, you're doing it wrong," Amara whines, covering her face her with her hands and then removing them to finish speaking, " Buttercup needs her tea poured first, and then Floppy," she instructs, picking up her favourite teddy bear, hugging it and then placing it back down on its chair.

Loki tried his best not to laugh, while Amara had her little meltdown. He couldn't help it because whenever she tried to be serious, she always looked so adorable, especially at her very young age yet, still only being a toddler. He moved the tea pot over so that the spout was over Buttercup's cup, pouring the golden coloured bear some of the 'tea', and then served Floppy, followed by Amara and then himself.

"Remember to keep your pinky up," Amara coos, picking up her teacup and putting her little pinky into the air before taking a sip of the imaginary tea.

"Thank you for reminding me," Loki smiles, picking up his cup and putting his pinky into the air.

He's about to take a sip when he notices you approaching the doorway, and stopping to lean up against the doorframe with a soft smirk on your face. Amara sees you standing there as well, and waves at you excitedly, with you giving her a wave back.

"Mommy, doesn't daddy look pretty," she asks, smiling brightly at you.

"Yes, he looks very beautiful," you smile back in response, blowing a kiss in Loki's direction.

He puts his hand up into the air to catch the kiss and then blows one back to you, winking at you afterwards. You then make your leave, walking away to go back to your previous task of doing the laundry.

"May we have our cookies now princess," Loki asks, inching his hand closer to his cookie.

"Yes we can," Amara answers, picking up her cookie and taking a bite out of it.

Loki picks his cookie up very quickly, and takes a bite out of it, savouring the sweet taste before swallowing it and taking another bite. After they finish their cookies, Amara gets up from her chair and stands beside Loki, leaning into him to press a soft, sweet kiss onto her father's cheek.

"Thank you for coming to my tea party daddy," she coyly says, placing her hands behind her back.

"It was my pleasure my sweet little princess," Loki says, picking her up and setting her down onto his lap, booping her nose and then giving her a kiss on her forehead.

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