dinner and a warning

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A/N: Dinner with Amara's boyfriend, Jax. This part is full of angst. Hope you guys enjoy and sorry for the wait. 

Things were a little busy at the house with everyone getting ready for dinner with Amara's boyfriend, Jax. He had agreed to come meet her family after she had called him a few nights ago, though he had asked her if it would be safe to do so, still a little distraught from his first encounter with her father. "Of course it is, I've made him promise to be on his best behaviour and I'm certain that my mother will see to it as well," she assured him, making him feel a bit more at ease with the invitation as he accepted it.

Amara was all dolled up in a lovely, chiffon sapphire blue dress and had decided to leave her hair down, but did put on just a little bit of cover up on her face and some nude coloured lip gloss; much to Loki's dismay, as he thought she didn't need to wear these products. Her and the rest of the family had gathered in the living room, with you and Loki occasionally disappearing to check on the food and then set the table as it neared completion.

To say that Loki was ill at ease was an understatement. He wanted this meeting to go well, especially for Amara's sake, as he knew that this guy made her happy and he hoped that by the end of the evening he would have a good grasp of the guy's intentions with his daughter. 'Let's hope he's trustworthy and not one of those guys who just want to use a girl until he gets what he wants from her,' Loki prayed inwardly, subconsciously adjusting his tie while doing so. He sat there deep in thought and you could tell that you husband was a nervous wreck, no matter how much he tried not to show it, so you gently placed a hand on his lap. "It's going to be alright love," you smiled sweetly, with the most assuring tone you could muster as you looked at him. He looked back at you and placed his hand on top of yours, interlocking your fingers with his, nodding his head slowly. "I know dear. I just want the best for Amara and I hope that Jax is exactly that for her. She's still my beautiful little princess and I don't want to see her heartbroken. Ever," he replied, adding extra emphasis on the 'ever'. You knew that he was protective of your daughter, he had every right to be and honestly, you thought it was the sweetest thing. Of course, he had also cared deeply for Axel and you, swearing that if anything was to happen to any one of you, he'd tear apart the cosmos to avenge the three of you until he found the one who dared destroy his family. 

You rose up from your spot on the couch and attended to the food, announcing that it was ready to be served, getting Axel to come in and help you with putting it into serving dishes, while Amara joined her father in the living room waiting for Jax to arrive. Loki glanced at the clock and kept a growl to himself, seeing that it was nearing six o'clock and the boy was nowhere to be seen yet. 'How dare he keep my daughter waiting like this,' he muttered to himself, crossing his arms over his chest, staring out at the wall begrudgingly as he grew more and more impatient by the second. That was strike one for Jax, all he needed was two more strikes and then Loki would be sure that he wouldn't step another foot near his sweet, beautiful daughter. She was too good to be treated like this and if Loki had to, he'd do whatever it took to make her see that. Even if it made her get upset with him, it would be worth it. Moments later, there was a knock at the door and Amara excitedly jumped up from the couch, rushing over to the door to answer it. Loki immediately followed her and waited behind the corner for his cue to show himself. 

"Jax honey, you made it," she smiled, as she saw him on the other side of the door, her eyes bright with happiness. Jax nodded and was about to kiss her when Loki came out from hiding and approached the two of them, clearly his throat loudly, causing the teens to pull away from each other. "Hello Jax. So glad you could come," Loki greeted him, his tone a bit cold. Jax tensed up a little and offered Loki a small smile, as he put his hand out for him to shake. "Yes sir, thank you for having me," he sheepishly replied, trying his best to make eye contact with Loki. Loki shook his hand and kept an intense gaze on Jax, soon breaking the shake to motion for them to join the family in the dining room. "Mom, this is my boyfriend Jax," Amara introduced her beau to you as the three of you entered the room. You smiled softly from your seat and extended a hand to him. "It's nice to meet you Jax," He shook your hand and smiled back. "It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Odinson." 

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