•like violence, you kill me•

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Weeks later, Amara had fully recovered from her accident that had occurred when her and Loki were outside playing a game of catch, which had rendered her unconscious; putting her in the hospital. Things were going quite smoothly, and she seemed to be a very happy little girl who was looking forward to meeting her new sibling in the coming weeks. It was a nice feeling to have things at peace for once, or that's what you hoped for anyway, but should've know that sooner or later something would have to give eventually, as they typically do.

Amara was busy learning about her heritage a little more from Loki, something that she had been looking forward to for awhile now, and was admiring how beautiful she looked in her Jotun form in the mirror, making a few diva-like poses while doing so. Loki smiled softly to himself as he watched her, and let out a low chuckle before he went out of the room briefly, after hearing you make a loud groaning sound; worried that something was wrong with you or the baby. He sighed in relief as he learned that it was only the baby being very active, kicking up a storm inside your womb, and placed his hand on your very prominent bump, feeling the action for himself.

"I think we have a little fighter on our hands," he smirked, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips, then knelt down to lift your shirt up just enough to kiss your tummy.

"Yes, you may be right dear," you agreed smiling softly at him, taking his hand into your own, "though I do wish that he or she would go a little easier on my insides, thankfully they'll be born within weeks," you sighed in relief, beginning to wish that the time would go by much faster, wanting to not feel so much discomfort anymore and meet the little angel that was causing it.

Loki was about to say something to you when you both suddenly heard the sound of things crashing down from Amara's room and shared a glance of concern with each other, before Loki pushed himself back up from his current position to go see what all of the ruckus was about. The moment he got there, he was somewhat shocked to see that the walls were coated in ice and that so many of her prized belongings were scattered all over the floor. Amara turned to face him with an angered expression and quicker than he could anticipate, she let an ice dagger form in her hand, charging towards him with no intent to stop. Loki had a very good feeling about what she was going through, and sighed lowly before he grabbed hold of his daughter, taking the dagger from her while having a firm grasp on her to keep her from wriggling out of his arm.

'I have to calm her down before something much worse happens,' Loki stated inwardly, all while trying to avoid getting hit in the face from Amara's flailing arms, knowing that he had to act fast upon hearing her growls coming from the back of her throat.

She was strong, but he was stronger and despite the good fight she put up to try break free, she ended up losing the battle and found herself firmly held in his embrace, as he carried her to the corner to have a time out, which of course she was thrilled about whatsoever. In fact, she refused to have one and screamed as loud as she possibly could, ringing throughout the house. It was so shrill and it even hurt your ears, making you cringe upon hearing it. You decided to go see for yourself what was going on, and were about to regret it when she spotted you in the doorway, quickly hurling a dagger your way; which you had luckily dodged just in time, with a bit of help from Loki who uses his seidr to change its course and plunged it into the wall instead.

"Amara Frigga, please stop this madness," Loki sternly, yet gently pleaded, taking a few steps towards her to kneel down in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders, "I know what this is like, but this isn't you princess, you're not a monster and as my daughter I know that you're better than this," he stated, hoping that he was getting through to her, as he looked at her with a worried and meek expression.

Her gaze had softened just slightly, making both you and Loki think that perhaps she was going to go back to being the sweet little girl that you knew and loved, but then proved you both wrong as she pounded her fists against Loki's chest, roaring out a battle cry as she did so. Loki had wanted to feel guilty for this, thinking that she was like this because of him and his Jotun heritage but he didn't have time to wallow in his own self pity because he had a daughter to talk to right and had to show her that she could prove anyone who thought of her as no more than a monster wrong. He didn't want her to feel like he had after he had learned the truth about who he really was, and he let her take out all of her frustrations on him for a little while longer before gently taking hold of her wrists and looked her right in her crimson red eyes, allowing himself to take form in his Jotun appearance. She peered right back into his eyes and her grunts slowly diminished until the room became almost dead silent, with only the sound of her low pants being heard.

"I'm sorry daddy, I can't help myself," Amara whimpered, resting her head on his chest while wrapping her arms around his waist.

"No, I think if you really try sweetheart you can," Loki assures her, stroking her hair and places a kiss to her forehead, "I once had the same struggles myself and with all of the right people in your life, you can do anything you set your mind to," he smiles, recalling how much Thor believed in him and how he never gave up on him, no matter how much he had been betrayed by his mischievous little brother.

Amara looked up at him and smiled softly, waiting for him to continue giving her all of the advice and wisdom that he had to offer from being alive for over a thousand years, listening very carefully to each and every word, letting it sink in like water does with a sponge. He had sat her down on his lap, explaining further about how sometimes she'll find that she'll be "a little grouchier than normal", and feeling like she "would want to attack almost everything in sight," assuring her that it was part of the Jotun's feral nature, going on to add that it didn't mean she was a terrible person in anyway, shape or form.

"You just have to fight those urges my dear girl, and don't let them control you, you are a princess and you have a good heart," he says, taking to her with a kind, loving tone that Frigga would always speak to Loki himself in, "if it helps until we can properly teach you how to do that, I'll gladly make something for you that you can plunge all of the daggers you want in, that way your not hurting anyone, and I want you to know that both mommy and I are always going to be here for you," he promises, kissing her rosy little cheek, smiling softly at her afterwards.

Amara nodded in understanding and hugged her father tightly, thanking him for everything that he had done for her, slowly pulling away to get down from his lap and went to apologize to you for her earlier actions, heading back in her room to clean up the mess she had made.

Loki had felt so grateful for everything he had learnt from the love you had shown him, thinking that it had been a great help with talking Amara down from her violent ways. Love had always been like a four letter word to him in the past, and he didn't think that he'd ever be worthy of what was such a vile thing to him, having no idea what would one day come his way when he met you several years ago.

You've captured my love, stolen my heart, changed my life.....

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