No Exit -- Changes

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Carlotta's POV

My head throbbed loudly against my ears. I drew out a low groan as I gazed around in a daze. I lifted my head, and slammed against cool wood. Another groan slipped from my lips as I gripped at my forehead. "What- What happened?" I muttered softly. The last thing I remembered was.... that ectoplasm. Everything went black after that.... I pulled out a flashlight from my pocket and shined it in the container I was in. Deep gouges ran along the wood, they were stained red from the blood of innocent women who clawed at it for days in a panic. I gazed through the small slit in the box; two identical boxes sat before me.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called out in a scared tone.

"Jo? That you, hun?" I called out.

"Lottie? I thought- I thought he only went after-"

"Yeah- Yeah, I did too." I huffed and tried kicking at the box. "I'll get us out of here." I huffed again and cracked my boot against the wood. "He jump you, too?"

"Yeah." Jo replied with a pant.

"Is- Is anybody there?" An unknown female voice called out.

"You Teresa?" I called out as I pressed closer to the slit to try and see clearer.

"Yeah." Teresa whimpered.

"This probably won't make you feel any better, but we're here to rescue you." Jo said softly.

"Oh god- He's out there, he's gonna kill us!" Teresa sobbed.

"No, he won't!" I snapped as I cracked my boot against the box again. "We're gonna get out of this. Our friends are looking for us. They'll find us, dammit!"

Footsteps echoed through the room, and it made me still. Teresa let out a terrified cry. "Oh god, it's him!"

"Shh! Just be quiet!" Jo begged. I turned off my flashlight quickly and sucked in a breath of air. It was quiet for a moment, and all of a sudden, and gray hand pushed through the box, and latched onto my hair. I cried out in agony as he tore a piece off. I gripped at the bloody patch as he shoved his hand back in, and tried smoothing it out over my body. Before walking away with a whistle.

"Are you okay?" Teresa called out.

"Sum'bitch ripped out my hair-" I moaned in agony. I tried kicking the box again, only to meet the sickly, gray eyes.

"You're so pretty. So beautiful." He breathed out. He reached back in to run his hands down my body. I swung my knife out, and he let out a shriek of pain.

"How do you like that, you son of a bitch! Pure iron!" I cursed angrily. Silence followed his shrieks.

"Is he gone?" Jo asked after a while.

"I don't know." That hand reached back in after I let out a breath, and tightened around my throat after knocking away the knife. I grasped at it, trying to pry it away as my airways closed off.

"Shhh...." Holmes cooed as I panicked.

"Hey!" A voice boomed as my vision started to distort. A rush of air burst through my body as I started coughing and trying to catch my breath. "Lottie!"

"She's in there!" I hear Jo scream. I weakly kicked at the box sides. It was pried open, and Dean hauled me out, and passed me to Sam. He quickly got me out of those tunnels while I tried to regain my breathing.

"Stay here." Sam ordered as Teresa got out.

"But-" I croaked before going back into another fit of coughs.

"Don't argue!" Sam boomed.

Teresa started rubbing my back soothingly as I sucked in precious air. "Are you alright?" Teresa asked in a shaky tone.

"I'm okay- I'm okay. This is nothing." I wheezed heavily. Sam and Dean popped out soon with Jo.

"Lottie- you're comin' with me. Come on." Dean urged as he hauled me upwards.


Dean and I went to go 'borrow' a cement truck as he filled me in. "We've got him trapped down there with salt lines, and just in case, we're encasing the son of a bitch with cement to make sure no one else gets him out."

"Good. That bastard has it comin'." I seethe as we pull it up to the hole I was pulled out of.

"Oh, by the way- Ellen knows you were lyin'." Dean joked and my entire body froze.

I whipped my head towards him and gaped. "I'm dead!" Dean busted out laughing as I started to panic. "Oh god, why didn't you blame it on Sam!?"

"Looks, its no big deal, okay? She's probably hasn't even left the Roadhouse." Dean brushed off.

We left the cement truck in the lot, and returned back to the apartment. When we stepped in, I was ready for a shower, but Ellen's livid face stopped everything.

Later that night, the Impala flew down the dark highway while Sam, Jo, and I sat in the backseat. Jo sat with Dean, and the car ride was uncomfortable and silent. 

"Boy, you- you really weren't kidding about flying out, were you?" Dean broke the silence. Ellen gave him no reaction. I cast a worried look to Jo as Ellen's rage seemed to seep out of her very being. "How about we listen to some music?" Dean suggested. He turned on the radio.

"You're as cold as ice-"

Ellen quickly shut off the radio. I let out an inaudible sigh as Dean cast a glance towards me. "This is gonna be a long drive." Dean sighed.


Once we were back at the roadhouse, Ellen grasped her daughter and dragged her inside, and leaving us to follow after like kicked puppies.

"Ellen? I'm sorry, but this really is my fault," I called up to her. "I trusted my gut on this one, she did really good out there."

"Her dad would be proud." Dean added. She whirled on him as her face contorted in rage.

"Don't you dare say that! Not you!" She hissed. We took a step back in surprise. "I need a moment with my daughter. Alone." I gave her a hesitant nod and tugged Sam and Dean back to the Impala. After a few minutes, Jo came storming out. Her eyes locked onto Dean for a moment. A glare was swelling within her eyes.

"That bad, huh?" Dean started.

"Not right now." Jo snapped. Her tone was upset, and she wouldn't even look at him.

"What happened?" He got no response. "Hey, talk to me." He asked as he reached out to her.

"Get off of me!" Jo screamed and spun around to shove Dean's arm off of her.

"Sorry. See you around." Dean back down, and turned to Sam and I.

"Dean," She stopped him. "It turns out my dad had a partner on his last hunt. Funny, he usually worked alone; this guy too, but.... I guess my father figured he could trust him. Mistake. Guy screwed up, got my dad killed."

"What does that have to do with-"

Jo interrupted him. "It was your father, Dean."

"What?" Dean's face contorted in confusion.

"Why do you think John never came back? Never told you about us? Because he couldn't look my mom in the eye after that, that's why." Jo snapped.

"Jo," Dean attempted to say something, but nothing came to mind.

"Just... Just get out of here. Please, just leave." Jo pleaded, and turned on her heel. She stalked back to the Roadhouse.

Dean stayed in his place for a moment and I stared at him in worry as his emotions played over his face like a movie. He crawled into the Impala with Sam, and cast me a look before starting the car. I let out a soft sigh and cast one glance at the roadhouse before hopping in.

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