Bloodlust -- Don't Substitute Him

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We ended up back at the bar, and to be completely honest, I did not want to find this nest. I didn't want to see Dean like that again. I fiddled with my necklace as we sat at a table while the waitress came over with the rounds of drinks for Dean and Gordon. Dean reached for his wallet, but Gordon stopped him.

"No, no, I got it." Gordon denied, and pulled out his own wallet.

"Come on," Dean paused with a smirk.

"I insist." Gordon shot back and held out the bills for the waitress. "Thank you, sweetie." The waitress smiled and walked away as Gordon raised his shot glass. "Another one bites the dust."

"That's right." Dean agreed. Sam and I just sat there silently.

"Dean," Gordon started and laughed a little. "You gave that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, my friend."

"Thank you." Dean smiled.

"That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Gordon continued. My stomach churned tightly as I thought about it. That was not beautiful. That was horrible. Yes, monsters should be killed, but not so callously. It was monstrous to let anything suffer, even if they deserved it.

"Yep. You alright, Sammy? Lottie?" Dean asked as he picked up on our tense vibes.

"I'm fine." I said softly. Sam nodded after a second.

"Well, lighten up a little, Sammy, Lottie." Gordon told us with a wide smirk.

"Here's the thing, Gordon; Only our family can call us that. You don't get to. We are Sam and Carlotta to you." I snapped quickly.

He looked at us for a moment before raising his hands in defense. "Well, no offense meant. Just celebrating a little... job well done."

"Right. Well, decapitations aren't my idea of a good time, I guess." Sam shrugged.

"Oh, come on, man. It's not like it was human. You've gotta have a little more fun with your job." Gordon said.

"See? That's what I've been trying to tell then. You could learn a thing or two from this guy." Dean said as he pointed to Gordon. Gordon sent us a smirk and I just glared harder.

Sam stood up and grasped my jacket. "Yeah, I bet I could. Look, Lottie and I aren't gonna bring you down. We're gonna head back to the motel." Sam said and held my jacket out for me to put on.

I got up, and shimmied it on. "You sure?" Dean asked as he reached out to grab my hand. "Babe?"

"Yeah," I say softly, and lean down to give him a small peck. "I'll see you later."

"Shame. We could of had some fun." Gordon chuckled. I cringed and quickly dragged Sam away from the table.

"Guys? Remind me to beat that buzzkill out of you later, alright?" Dean teased as we bound out of the door. I didn't like leaving him with that maniac, but he could handle himself.


I kept silent during the drive back to the motel, mostly because neither Sam nor I knew how to start on the topic of Gordon and Dean. The chilled air hit my bare legs like a wet blanket, and I just wanted to curl up in a hot shower and try to forget the soulless look on Dean's face. "I'm going to give Ellen a call," Sam said gently as I stepped into the motel room. "I wanna know more about this Gordon guy."

"I'll go buy us some soda's." I retort, and start rooting through my purse for my change pouch. Sam nodded and pressed his phone to his ear as I stepped out of the room. The dingy little vending machine looked so ominous lit up against the black night. I scanned the list of drinks for a moment before the hairs on the back of my neck shot up. I whirled around to face a man with razor sharp teeth protruding over his regular teeth.

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