Night Shifter -- Ronald

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With Sam getting into his uniform, Dean took the moment to approach me outside. "Hey," He hummed as he looped his arm around my waist. "You feelin' all right?"

I cleared my throat and nodded my head. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Lottie, I know you. You went after a shifter by yourself after the split, and I'm sure that must've been easier for you," Dean explained. My lower lip started quivering slightly as he stared at me with those green eyes of his. "To be honest, I'm feeling a little nervous about this as well." He kissed me softly and curled me against his chest. "The last time we went against a shifter, I hurt you. I hurt you real bad."

I reached up to cup his face and offered him a soft smile. "Dean, I'll be fine. I promise. Let's just get this son of a bitch." I lean my face against his neck and breathed in his rustic scent.

"I love you," Dean hums softly as he continues to hold me.

"I love you, too." I hum in response.


"Well, we haven't had any flags go up on our system yet," The security guard on the last bank offered when we followed him in.

"No, no, this is a glitch in the overall grid." Dean explains simply. "Just want to make sure the branch monitors are kosher."

The security guard hums. "Better to be safe than sorry, I guess."

"That's the plan." Dean smiled. We stepped into the security office, our gazes locking onto the monitors over viewing the entire bank.

"All righty. You guys need anything else?"

"No thank you, we're okay." I hum softly. "We'll be in and out before you know it. Just a routine check." I explain.

"Okeydokey." The Security Guard hums in a friendly manner before leaving us alone.

"I like him. He says Okeydokey." Dean giggles.

"What if he's the shifter?" Sam inquired.

"Well, then we follow him home." Dean mentioned.

"And put a silver bullet through his chest plate." I add dryly.

Sam and Dean took the seats while I leaned over their shoulders. "Okay. You got any popcorn?" Dean asks.

"You're such a freak," I snort and sit in his lap. We ran through every camera in the bank. "Looks like Dean's favorite.... is OkeyDokey." I mention cutely.

"That's my girl," Dean commented as Sam shot me an annoyed glare.

"Maybe we jumped the gun on this, guys." Sam offered. "We don't even know it's here." Dean hummed as I leaned forward slightly. "Maybe we should just go to the sewers and..." I leaned back and pinched Dean's hand from zooming in on a woman's butt. "Dean, we're supposed to be looking for eyes.

"I'm gettin' there." Dean offered as he rubbed his hand.

"Wait a minute," I start moving the camera onto someone with bright eyes. "Found him." I point to the monitor.

"Hello, freak," Dean breathed.

"Come on," I get up from Dean's lap to leave.

"Lottie, Sam-" Dean barked.

"What?" The two of us hum. Gazing back at the camera, we see Mr. Resnick locking all the doors shut.

"Hello, Ronald." Dean sighed heavily.

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