Hunted -- Revelation

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Carlotta's POV

"5637 Monroe Street, right?" I hum as I rub my arm softly. "Jesus, does this freak know how to pick out a murder location." I mutter to Sam. He nods and leads the way. The night blankets the old house like a thick veil. Sam kneels down and peers through a crack in the boards. Dean's inside, bound and gagged. And Gordon is there. "Shit-" I whisper softly. Sam grasps my wrist and tugs me to run around the back. I gently try to turn the door knob before kneeling down to pick it. I slowly push the door open and edge inwards. A trip wire catches my eye, so I hold my hand out for Sam and point out to it. "He's got two trip wires... Hold on." I whisper, and kneel down to trip the first before shoving Sam and myself out. The grenades go off and I silently tell Sam to stay back as I trip the second one with my boot. I leap back as it goes off. Sam and I hide around the corner, and after a few moments, Gordon edges around, looking for the remains. Sam pulls his gun out and points it at the back of Gordon's head while I swerved around to get to Dean.

"Put the gun down." Sam snaps.

"Yo shouldn't walk around here with no shoes, Lottie. Could get tetnus." Gordon calls after me as I swing around Dean's front. He sighs out in relief.

"Put the gun down, now!" Sam snaps again.

"You wouldn't shoot me, would you Sammy?" Gordon asks. "'Cause your brother- He thinks your some kind of saint."

"Yeah. Well, I wouldn't be so sure." Sam scoffs.

"See, that's what I said." Gordon explains as I try to work the knots free, but my nails aren't digging in as easily as I thought. I yelp softly as Sam and Gordon  start fighting. I shush Dean as I run after them. I leap over Gordon's back as he raises his knife to stab Sam, and throw him over the side. I straddle Gordon's chest, crushing my knees against his forearms as I crack my fist against his face. Sam picks up the rifle and aims it at him.

"Do it-" Gordon huffs painfully as I gather a handful of his shirt in my fist. "Do it! Show your brother the killer you really are, Sammy!" Gordon growls. I slam my forehead against his and growl out.

"You come anywhere near us again, I'll kill you myself!" I snarled before headbutting him again. He falls unconscious. "And it's Sam, jackass." I growled before getting up with a grunt. Sam and I stumble back into the room where Dean sat. "You get his arms, I got the legs." I mutter as I kneel down and start tugging at the ropes.

Dean's arms are finally free. He tugs the gag out. He helps Sam and I up with a concern gaze. He turns on his heel. "Son of a bitch." Dean growls.

"Dean, no-" Sam starts.

"I let him live once. I'm not making the same mistake twice." Dean retorted.

"Trust us," I sighed. "Gordon's taken care of." I start rubbing my forehead. I step forward and wrap my hand through his. "Come on. I need a bath."

"Yeah, let's go." Sam urged. We walk outside, and a gun shot echoes. "Run!" I snap and grab Sam's arm as we duck from a stray bullet. A stinging sensation wrapped up my side as we leapt into a ditch.

"So what are we doing?" Dean asked.

"Just trust me on this, alright?" Sam snapped. I clamped my hand over the bullet wound on my side and grimaced in pain. Squad cars arrived at the scene.

"Drop your weapons! Get down on your knees!" An officer shouts as they all pull their guns out.

"Anonymous tip," I chortled softly as Sam sent Dean a smirk.

"You're a fine upstanding citizen, Lottie." Dean retorted. 

"Any of you wanna be the one to remove a bullet?" I ask hoarsely.

"What?" Dean snapped before turning to me. I removed my hand and showed the blood soaked area on my shirt. "You're just a magnet for trouble, aren't you? Come on." Dean sighed and helped me limp away.


Sam stitches up my wound in the Impala as Dean calls Ellen to tell her what happened. "Can't you heal it?" Sam asks apathetically.

"I don't think I should be relying on it too much- I accidentally used it to find you earlier, and it was like my head was going to split open." I mutter as the pain killers start kicking in. "It's like it's getting more powerful by the second. And I can't control it." I huff. "Listen, I'm going to doze off in a second... Can you promise me something?"

"Yeah... Sure, anything." Sam says.

"Promise me.... that if you need to leave again... You won't... You won't make me lie again..." I drawl as I slip into unconsciousness.


That same snowy landscape.... as far as the eye could see. I sat by myself, watching the snow flakes flutter and fall downwards into the black lake before me. A man with red eyes stands on the other side of it, smirking devilishly at me. Pain flashes over my skin as the scenery warps and shifts into the metal, rusted cage I was trussed up in. Screams ripped from my throat endlessly, blood splattered over every inch of the cage- and just when I thought I'd die- my wounds are gone, and it's back to square one. I'm stuck on repeat- in an endless loop of torture and agony. And it never stops.

I woke with a gasp. The subtle clock ticked through my harsh panting as I access my surroundings. Sam's asleep in the bed across from our bed, everything's okay for the moment. Until the endless whispers start echoing in my head again. I bite my lip before stumbling into the bathroom, and slowly shutting the door so I didn't alarm the boys. My reflection stares back at me- except she's screaming. I dry heave as I clasp one hand over my ear and try to block it out. God, it's like my heads going to split. I couldn't take it- I reared my fist back and slammed it against the glass, and shattering it into a million pieces.

"Lottie!" I hear Dean shout in concern as the door starts rattling from the force of his knocks. I stare down at my shaking hands, and run the water to try and wash away the blood oozing from my knuckles. The door cracks open and slams against the adjacent wall. "What the hell- Lottie, what happened?!" He urged as he stepped in.

"I don't-" I stuttered violently as I started shaking all over. "Christ- Dean! What's happening to me?!" I bellow and move away from him. "Every time I fall asleep- It's the same fucking dream! I can't take it anymore!" I cried in agony. Sam appears at the threshold as I slump down and cover my head with my hands.

"Come on, get up- Come on, I got you baby." Dean urges as he lifts me into his arms. He sets me onto the bed and wraps a thick blanket around me. "Sammy- pack up. We're leaving." Dean urges.

"Yeah," Sam nods and starts throwing stuff into the duffel bag.

"Baby, breath, okay?" Dean kneels down. "We're going somewhere far away- A vacation. Where do you want to go? Hm?" He starts rubbing my arms. "We're getting away- Drink some beer at a beach, go relax a little." 

"I don't want to go anywhere!" I seethe. "I want to hunt! I want to think about hunting down the yellow eye'd bastard who took John from us! The one who fucked up everything!" I stand up and stop Sam from packing anything else. "Because when we find him, I'm going to find out where this red eye'd son of a bitch is, and kill him myself for plaguing my dreams."

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