Tall Tales -- The Trickster

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"Sorry, I'm dragging a little ass today, guys," Gabriel hummed as we met him at his office. "Had quite the night last night." Just as he gets onto the stairs, he turns a smirk at Dean. "Lots of sex, if you catch my drift."

"Yeah, hard not to," Dean hummed. "Listen, we won't be long. We just need to check a couple of offices up on three."

"No problem," Gabriel hummed.

"Oh, damn, I, uh, forgot something in the truck." Sam stated. "You know what? I, I'll catch up with you guys."

"Okay," I hummed and followed after Dean and Gabriel.

"So, electrician or reporter?" Gabriel hummed curiously as he gazed back at me.

"Electrician," I hummed innocently. "I just wanted to speak with someone who's been here for the murders. I didn't want to get caught up in it, if I can't help it."

"You and her together?" Gabriel wonders to Dean.

"Ah, yeah," Dean smiled as he looped his arm around my waist. "Quite the pistol, ain't she?"

"You're a lucky man," Gabriel hummed. I flushed slightly before turning my gaze onto Dean.

"I'm going to go to the car, I'm feeling a bit sickish," I lie effortlessly.

"Okay, baby, you go relax, I got this," Dean hummed before kissing me softly.

As Dean walks away from the building, I reenter and find Gabriel in his little office. "Back so soon?" He hummed, not looking up from a newspaper. "You and your hunter buddies sure are persistent."

"So you do know," I hum softly.

"Yep. Not too hard to notice a hunter on my tail, seen many before. But you know what? I like you three." Gabriel hums. An arm  wraps around my throat and pulls me flush against a body. "So, here's what I'm gonna do-- You're gonna be my leverage for Dean-O. So go to sleep, all right?" With a hard thwack, I'm out like a light.


I grimace unhappily as I lean against the headboard of the bed with my arms extended above me. Adorned in a leather bustier, and a mini skirt with fishnets covering my legs, and sexy black pumps on my feet, apparently, I was going to be the betting coin for Dean. Idiotic, romantic music echoed through the auditorium as I struggled against the ropes burning against my wrists as a giant disco ball hangs above. Dean enters the auditorium, and a look of surprise wraps onto his face. "Lottie?" He calls in confusion. He approaches the stage, and grins.

"Hey... Dean." I hum in embarrassment.  "Thanks for coming..."

"You're not real," Dean sighed in awe. "But damn, are you sexy."

"No, Dean, I am real," I hum. "Just untie me all ready."

"You know, I'm a sucker for a happy ending," Dean mutters as he continues to not pay attention to my words, rather he pays attention to the outfit. "Really, I am, but... I'm gonna have to pass."

"She's a peace offering." Gabriel hums from behind Dean. Dean whirls around quickly. "I know what you and your brother do. I've been around for a while. Run into your kind before. Oh, and that Carlotta is real. These two aren't," Gabriel mentions as two identical clones of myself approach Dean on either side, fluttering their eyelashes and biting their lips before curling their arms around each other.

"Whoa," Dean whistled before turning back to Gabriel as he strode up to him. "But you know that I can't just let you keep hurting people."

Gabriel's eyes roll back into his head. "Come on!" He groans. "Those people got what was coming to them! Hoisted on their own petards. But you, Sam, and Carlotta? I like you. I do." Dean glances back at me, and I couldn't help the annoyed expression on my face as the two of my clones as curling up against me. "So, treat yourself... as long as you want. Just... long enough for me to move on to the next town. Shouldn't be too hard, they are your girlfriends, afterall."

Dean pauses for a moment before whistling again. "Yeah, I don't think I can let you do that." Dean mentions.

"I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can." Gabriel hums.

"Look, man, I gotta tell you," Dean chuckles. "I dig your style, alright? I mean, heh, I do," Dean hums as he turns his gaze back on me and the clones. "And the, uh, the slow dancing alien." The two start busting up with laughter.

"One of my personal favorites," Gabriel laughs.

I struggle against the binds again and start toeing off a heel. "Yeah," Dean hums. "But, uh, I can't let you go."

"Too bad," Gabriel sighs. "Like I said, I liked you. Sam was right. You shouldn't have come alone."

Dean clicked his tongue. "Well, I agree with you there." The back doors open, and I immediately curl my legs up to stave off the embarrassment. Sam comes through one door, and Bobby the other.

"That fight you guys had outside..." Gabriel mentions. "And sending Carlotta in... That was a trick?" Dean shrugged impishly. Gabriel hums. "Not bad. But you wanna see a real trick?" A man with a chainsaw appears behind Sam. The two of my clones start attacking Dean. One throws Dean onto the bed and I quickly slip my barefoot into his waist band to produce the pocket knife hiding within. It's clenched between my toes as I stretch my legs up and grasp the blade from its holder and tug with my teeth before stretching my legs up to my hands. With the knife in my palm, I start cutting at the ropes. I'm free as soon as the two clones launch Dean at the auditorium seats.

"Nice show, ladies!" Gabriel calls. "Dean," Gabriel sighs as I slip from the bed and slid towards the stake. "Dean, Dean, Dean. I did not want to have to do this." He hums just as I toss the stake at him, and Dean stabs Gabriel in the chest. Something burns in my belly but I ignore it before sighing out in relief.

"Me neither," Dean hums. Everything disappears as Gabriel falls back, dead.

I slip off the stage and approach Dean apprehensively, my clothes back to normal from the illusion. "You guys okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah," Sam breathes. "I guess."

"All I gotta say... he had style." Dean mentioned. I shoot him a glare and we leave the body where it sits.

"Bobby, thank you so much for--" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Hey, save it!" Bobby barked. "Let's just get the hell out of dodge before somebody finds that body."

"Yeah," Sam breathes out as he opens the door for me.

Bobby and I get in the backseat and let out a big sigh of relief.

"Hey, Dean, I just want to say, um..." Sam trails off. "Um..."

"Hey," Dean starts. "Me too."

I roll my eyes and pop out the window. "You guys are breaking my heart. Can we please just leave?" I snap angrily before slipping back in.

"Idjits." Bobby muttered as they both got in.


Later that night, Sam and Dean are fast asleep as I sit outside our motel room, rubbing at my stomach tenderly. It'd been in knots since Dean killed Gabriel, and for some odd reason, I was filled with a weird sadness.

My mind hazed over as I feel myself detaching from my mind, and I'm suddenly gazing down at myself as a familiar voice whispers through my head.

"Dear, sweet Carlotta," He hummed softly. "Showing such affection for your brother... but you cannot stray from your destiny... so, in the meantime, forget all about Gabriel...."

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