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True to my word, I hit the road in the opposite direction of Sam and Dean. I once again found myself at the Hoover Dam, staring out over the side. I lifted my palm up and gazed at the white marks circling my arms. They only covered my arms and around the wound the Colt made.

 "Why do I always find you here, darling?" I hear a familiar English accent mention.

"Because it's a great thinking spot. Why are you here?" I ask as I turn around and lean against the edge. "Haven't you heard? There's a war going on, and you're on the enemy side."

Crowley waves his hand slightly. "I'm not bothered by that in the slightest. Matter of fact, if you could kill a few demons, I'd be in your debt."

"Kill a few demons-- buddy, I plan on shoving all of them back into hell."

"With your power, you could do more than exorcise them. You could kill them." Crowley explains. "And I can show you how."

"How-- I'm not a demon."

"No, but I can provide guinea pigs." He smirks. "How's that sound? A little quid pro quo? I teach you how to kill Demons, you kill the ones on my list."

I purse my lips slightly before smirking. "I'm not kissing you for this deal, I hope you know that."

He places his well manicured hand against his chest. "I'm wounded-- Not like I'd want to kiss you either. Too pure for my tastes."

Our hands lock together, and the deal was made. A few demons to kill, for the price of testing my new limits? Now that-- that sounds like a deal.


Crowley wasn't kidding. There were hundreds of demons following behind Crowley. "You're seriously trying to revolt against current management, huh?"

"Oh yes," Crowley hums in satisfaction. "Current head honcho will run a business like hell into the ground. I'm just trying to spread as much mayhem and death that these demons are willing to inflict."

"And they know that I'm trying to kill them, right?" I ask.

"Well, I may have left that little tid bit out, but hey, you're welcome to tell them. Not like they'll be getting out of here anyway. That's the only section with a devils trap over it."

I narrowed my eyes at him before rolling them. "As long as I get to kill them, well, I'll be glad." I remark. "Now get out of here-- It's going to get ugly."

Crowley bowed low. "As you wish, my dear."

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