Hunted -- Gordon

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"Wait, I don't understand." Ava mentions as we climb up to the roost the shooter had been using. "Shouldn't we be talking the cops?"

"Trust me, sweet heart. They wouldn't do us much good." I muttered.

Sam knelt down and inspected a bullet casing. "There are .223 caliber-- subsonic rounds." He explains. The guy must've had a suppressor on the rifle."

Ava stands up in shock. "Dude? Who are you?" She asks incredulously.

"Oh, I just, uh--" Sam chuckles nervously. "I just watch a lot of 'T.J. Hooker.'" Sam explains quickly.

"It's true- He watches it like it's his religion." I lie effortlessly.

"And who's she?!" Ava mentioned as she threw her hand out as a gesture. "I mean, sure- Carlotta- But how the hell did she know where to find you?!" She asked hysterically.

"Uh, unfortunately, Sam and I are childhood friends- And I have powers, too." I snort. "Just not the powers you'd want."

Sam pulls out his cell. "Who're you callin'?" Ava asks.

"My brother- Lottie must've come here alone. And I think we definitely need the help." Sam noted before asking me.

"Sam, we came here togeth-"

"Dean," Sam answered as the phone immediately connected. "Yeah, uh look, I'm in Indiana. Uh, Lafayette. Lottie's with me." Sam's face changed in confusion. "You do?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I'm sorry. There's someone after me.... I don't know. That's what we need to find out. Where are you?" He was silent for a moment. "Yeah, sure." Sam's facial expression was concerned.

"What is it?" Ava asked.

"My brothers in trouble." Sam explained.


"He gave me a code word. Someone's got a gun on him." Sam explained.

"Code word?" Ava asked in confusion.

"Funky Town. Am I right?" I ask in agitation. "God, couldn't that idiot just curb stomp the fucker?"

Sam noticed the concerned look on Ava's face. "He thought of it. It's kind of a long story." Sam expressed. "Come on."


"I don't think I should leave." Ava expressed as we walked her to her blue bug.

"We want you out of harms way, Ava." I explained softly.

"What about you two?" She asked.

"Harms way doesn't really bother me." Sam sighed.

"No, but you are walking right into my vision. I mean- this is how you die!" She explained wildly.

"It doesn't matter." Sam sighed. "It's my brother."

"Maybe I can help!" She exclaimed.

"You've done all you can," Sam smiled. "Just- Just go back to your fiance."

"Are you sure?" Ava asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go home, Ava. You'll be safe there." Sam sighed again.

"Well just... promise you'll call then?" She gazed up at him from inside the car. "When you get your brother, just to let me know that everything's all right."

"I promise." Sam reassured her. The blue bug drove off and I crossed my arms over my chest. "What?"

"Your ass is going to get chewed out once we get Dean back," I started. "You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah. Hey, why didn't you tell Dean?" Sam asked as we started walking.

"Because you asked me not to." I reply simply. "I may be Dean's girlfriend, but if my friend is asking for a favor like that- I'm not gonna like it, but I sure as hell ain't gonna not do it."

"I'm sorry," He sighed. "For putting you into a position like that. I know you don't like lying to him."

I punched his arm. "Stop being a girl already."

"Jerk," Sam huffed.

"Cunt," I retorted.

Dean's POV

"See, I was doing an exorcism down in Lousiana. A teenage girl. It seemed routine." Gordon spoke softly.

 I grimaced slightly and fought from rolling my eyes. 'Oh, good god, he's doing a monologue.'

 "Some low level demon. But between all the jabbering and the head spinning- the damn thing muttered something about a coming war. I don't think it meant to. It just kinda slipped out, but it was too late. It piqued my interest. You can really make a demon talk, if you got the right tools."

My stomach twisted. "What happened to the girl it was possessing?" I asked.

"She didn't make it." Gordon answered.

"Well, you're a son of a bitch." I sighed. Gordon shot me a look, and got up. I let out a harsh grunt as he hit me across the face.

"That's my mama you're talking about." Gordon snapped. I snorted and chuckled a little. "Anyway, this demon tells me they have soldiers to  fight in this coming war. Humans fighting on Hell's side. You believe that? I mean, they're psychics. So, they're not exactly pure humans. But still, what kind of worthless scum bag you gotta be to turn on your own race?" I remained silent as I glared at him. "But you know the biggest kick in the ass?" Gordon asked.

'Oh, god, kill me now.'

"This demon said I knew two of them--" Gordon smirked. "Our very own Sammy Winchester and the bitch you think is human. Little Miss Carlotta Bellway is the key to this entire war."

Laughter bubbled up from my chest, and I couldn't stop it. "Well, this is-- This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you." I chuckled.

"Yeah?" Gordon smirked. "Come on, Dean. I know about Sam's visions, about Lottie's powers. I know everything."

"Really-" I retorted. "Because a demon told you?" I snorted again. "Yeah, and it wasn't lying."

"Hey, Dean, I'm not some reckless yahoo, okay?" Gordon bit back. "I did my homework. I made damn sure it was true. Look, you got your road house connections. I got mine. It's how I found Sammy in the first place." I fought with myself not to dig into his stupid story, but it was hard- God I wanted to tear him apart. "About a month ago, I found another one of these freaks here in town. He could deep-fry a person just by touching them."

"Yeah, did he kill anyone?" I ask as I gaze down at the floor.

"Besides Mr. Tinkles The Cat? No. But he was working up to it. They're all gonna be killers, Dean. We gotta take 'em all out. And that means Sammy and Lottie, too." Gordon explains while checking his rifle once more.

"You think Sammy or Lottie are stupid enough to walk through that front door?" I ask.

"No, I don't. Especially since I'm sure you found a way to warn him." Gordon quips, and lets out an exaggerated laugh. "You really think I'm that stupid?" I just smirk at him. "No, Sammy's gonna scope the place first, see me covering the front door- So Lottie's gonna take the back with Sammy tailin'. And when they do, they'll hit the trip wire. Then-" He strides over to his bag. "... Boom."

"They're not gonna fall for a frickin' tripwire." I moan.

"Maybe you're right." Gordon says. "That's why I'll have a second one." I tilted my head up and glared at him. "Hey, look, I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to do this. I really do. But for what it's worth? It will be quick." He stepped away.

'God, not for her it won't....' I let out an anxious breath.

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