Bellway Traditions

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You never really think about what Christmas means to you until you're older. In my younger years, I'd thought it was a time for mom, dad, Nan, and I to gather in the living room for some of Nan's disgusting Christmas pudding. And then we'd open presents and eat like kings for days until the leftovers disappeared.

Now, it was a time for me to stand silently in the graveyard in the Bronx. Just staring at the trio of graves before me. One for mother; one for father; and one for Nan. For the last ten years, I'd always come alone, leaving Sam and Dean back at the motel in some other state.

The crunch of snow echoed out behind me, and I spoke before I could see who it was. "Sorry, Dean." I muttered softly. His arm wrapped around my waist, and pressed his nose into the thick mass of ebony hair covering my head. "Feels like a habit this time a year doesn't it? You caught me early last year... I didn't feel right missing this."

"I know, baby." Dean hummed. He sighs and tucked me tighter against his side. "I know how much this means to you. You don't have to apologize."

And we stood in silence as the snow drifted downwards and coated the entire graveyard in a white, thick blanket.

"What traditions did you and your family do during Christmas?" Dean asked after a while. "Like, what's something you've always looked forward to?"

My gaze flickered up to his face, and a smile worked it's way into my features. "Mom and Dad would always take me to go see the big tree in New York City. Then we'd get hot cocoa at the street vendors." I explained softly as the memory danced in front of my eyes. "Dad would lift me up, and carry me on his shoulders so I could get a closer look to those shimmering lights that seemed to light up Central Park."

"Then let's go see the tree lighting." Dean suggested with a smile. "If you want." He quickly added.

"You'd do that for me? I mean, ever since John passed, I didn't think you'd want anything to do with the holidays." I explained softly.

"Right now, Lottie, you're happiness is my holiday spirit. And I'll do anything to make you happy." I smiled sweetly and wrapped my arms around his neck to press a lingering kiss to his lips.

"Since when have you been the romantic?" I whisper.

A squeal escapes my lips as Dean swings me into his arms, and carries me to the waiting Impala. "Haven't you noticed? I'm always romantic- but just for you." He smirks.


The giant tree stood proudly in the middle of central park, and dozens of couples and families stood around it, gazing up in silent adoration. Dean's arm remained around my waist as we joined the masses. I'd never thought I'd see this tree again. My palm tingled in the soft warmth the hot cocoa in my hand supplied. It was just as I remember. Smooth chocolate, mixed with sweet cream glides down my throat and warms my spirit with childlike merriment.

"Its just like I remembered..." I muttered with unshed tears. Soft caroling smoothed over my shoulders and relaxed me while children ran around, giggling with their siblings or friends, and all of it seemed to bring the true essence of the Christmas spirit. "God, the lights and chocolate, everything is so much prettier. I feel like I've stepped back in time, and I'm here with my parents."

"What were they like? Your mom and dad." Dean questioned after sipping at his beverage.

I smiled for the umpteenth time, and recalled every little detail I could remember. "Dad was sweet. He had a way of telling a story; when he would tell me one in public, children would wander near to listen in until we were all staring up at him in wonder as he spun an elaborate tale. And it was like we all saw the story happening before us." I explained as the tears started falling. "Mom was quiet, and soft spoken. She was the most beautiful person in the world. I always thought I looked like her, but her beauty was like no other. Men would be completely in shock when they found out she was married to a schmuck like my father. He looked mundane compared to her."

"What about your Nan? You've almost never spoke of her until recently." Dean continued.

"Nan was my best friend. My father would say there wasn't anyone she loved more than she did me. I was her light, her joy- my mother said she was a little jealous of me. I got all the presents and attention from her mother." I recited with a giggle. "Its hard to believe shes gone sometimes."

"Well, that's not your fault. We know who did this- and its gonna pay." Dean reminded me. I sighed softly and drank the rest of my chocolate. "So- what shall we do next?"

"Well... it's not really a tradition for me as a kid, but I definitely want to start one of making love by the fire place." I explain shyly.

Dean's face lit up, and I found it endearing. "Oh! Yeah, I guess we could do that- If you're okay stuck with his mug for that tradition." Dean teased. I rolled my eyes as he dipped me low and pressed a sloppy kiss to my lips.


Bobby was more than happy to lend us one of his old hunting cabins for the holidays. It may have been old and dusty, but the cozy fire place, and winter wonderland surrounding it made it seem all the more romantic. The fire crackled softly in the lush atmosphere Dean had cocooned us in- fluffy blankets, dozens of pillows, and to top it all off- soft classical music drifted through the cabins....

Dean's POV

The way her pale skin looked as it soaked in that dull light cast from the fire place- she looked like she had been made from the stars themselves. Her eyes were shimmering with love and acceptance, my own insecurities vanished from my mind as the world disappeared, and only the two of us remained. God, her body was absolutely stunning. My palms ran over the soft, tender flesh of her abdomen before brushing against her chest. Those pink lips of hers parted in a soft gasp.

"Dean~" She mewled softly as I tugged at the sensitive, pink buds and trail small kisses down her neck. It felt like my entire body was floating as I thrust into her soft, tight heat. It always felt like the first time- no matter how many times we'd made love. The way her hands clutched at my back, or the way she'd pull in a breath of air when I hit that certain spot that made her toes curl. Shivers would dance across my body when she'd hit her peak, and fall down so deliciously. She'd hit it again, and again- until she'd been wrung dry. She'd always shout about feeling good, and demand that I ride her harder, and longer. She never got tired of me being so gentle to begin with, only to lose myself and bear my soul within her. I'd go wild, and she'd love every second.

And when we finish, I'd always just gaze down at her as she slept against my chest. Her long lashes would cast shadows over her cheeks and her pink lips were pulled into a comforted smile. I'd find myself thinking about how much I loved this woman- how much she meant. "I love you, baby." I muttered before pressing a soft kiss to her head, and settling down into the soft blankets I had laid out for us, and just feel her warmth against my side before being lulled into a deep sleep.


Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you for reading the Christmas special on Bonds Broken. The next chapters in this book will be posted after the New Years! Go out and have some fun everyone- But please remember (For those of my older readers) Drink responsibly, and (For Everyone) Be safe out there! Thanks for all the love, and have a wonderful New Years!

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