Croatoan -- Hesitation

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Unease. Discomfort. Whatever term to describe it. Sleeping seemed to be the least of my worries. Every night since Dean found out about John's deal- I'd been plagued with nightmares. And every single one of them ended with my heart ripped from my chest. I sat on a love seat besides the window, just staring outwards. No comfort- no reassuring- no sex. Nothing from him. Not even those annoying flirty gestures that I'd come to adore. It was like he wanted nothing to do with me, and it hurt more than anything- more than the nightmares, and definitely more than the sleep deprivation. I had no idea where Dean was at the moment, and it was just Sam and I. He lay asleep in his bed, and just as I get up to go grab a water, he starts thrashing in his sleep. "Sam?" I inquire softly before sitting at his bedside. I start shaking at him urgently as he shouts out in fear. "Sam!" I called again, and he sits up with a gasp. The door swings open and Dean strolls in with a six pack and a jerky stick hanging from his mouth.

"Sam?" Dean asked, looking towards me for an explanation. I ignored him and started checking over Sam again.

"You alright? What happened?" I asked as I smoothed his hair away from his face.

"We need to go." Sam replied through clenched teeth. He gently moved passed me and started to grab our stuff as I stood up and shoved my feet into my boots. Dean spared one glance at me before turning and grabbing our duffel and heading outside.


The sun had only just started breaking the horizon as we sped down the highway. I tried focusing on ambient noises to stay awake, and even the annoying GPS Sam had on was lulling me to sleep.

"There are only two towns in the US named Rivergrove." Sam spoke up.

"How do you know it's the one in Oregon?" I asked groggily.

"There was a picture. Crater Lake." Sam explained.

"Okay, what else?" Dean asked.

"I saw a dark room, some people, and a guy tied to a chair." Sam recalled.

"And I ventilated him?" Dean asked in confusion.

"Yeah. You thought there was something inside him."

"What, a demon? Was he possessed?"

"I don't know." Sam answered.

"Well, your visions are always tied to the Yellow-Eyed Demon somehow... was there any black smoke?" I ask.

"We try to exorcise anything?" Dean added.

"No. Nothing, you just plugged him, thats it." Sam replied.

"Well, I'm sure I had a good reason." Dean assured.

"I sure hope so." Sam sighed.

That set him off. "What does that mean?" Dean inquired. When Sam didn't reply, his tension just grew. "I mean, I'm not gonna waste an innocent man." Sam gave a small, uncertain shrug. Even I felt offended. "I wouldn't!"

"I never said you would!" Sam argued in defense.

"Fine!" Dean snapped.

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes and leaned back.

"Look, guys- we don't know what this is. But the guy in the chair is apart of it. Let's find him and find out what, okay?" I asked softly.

"Fine." Dean repeated in an irritated huff.

"Fine." Sam sighed. The Impala fell into silence, and I wanted so badly to start screaming. The silence was lulling me to sleep again, and I wasn't going to handle another nightmare. But before I could protest, I was swallowed my sleep deprivation.

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