All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 1 -- Cold Oak

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"Lottie," I hear Dean bark as I rouse from my deep sleep. "What happened?"

I inhale sharply as I realize we were outside. I slowly sat up, groaning in annoyance. "I don't.... When did we get here?" I ask softly.

"Lottie, what are you talking about? We just took care of that Trickster." Dean explained.

I furrow my eyebrows before rubbing my eyes. "Trickster?" I kept drawing a blank. " What trickster, I thought we just exorcised Sam..." I breathed out.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows and carried me inside where he made sure I had my anti-possession charm on me. "Sam, wake up," Dean barked at his younger brother, who in turn gasped sharply as he sat up quickly. "Somethings wrong with Lottie, call Bobby," Dean ordered.

"Dean, what happened?" Sam asked as Dean splashed holy water on me.

Just as I open my mouth, Dean turns to his brother to answer. "She says she doesn't remember the past week, sound familiar?"

"I'm not possessed, Dean," I mention dryly. "Look, no binding like, no other symbols, and--" I stop myself as I gaze in the mirror. A new, intricate symbol had appeared on my sternum. Not a brand, like Sam had, but like a birth mark.

"That's a triquetra," Sam mentioned as he gazed at it from a kneeling position.

"What's it supposed to mean, Sam," Dean asked in annoyance.

"Well, it predates Christianity, but these three points," Sam mentions as he gestures to the three triangular points, "Represent three people coming together. And the circle around it, represents God's Love." Sam cocks his head. "But it's only been used in Pagan and Wiccan rituals-- the points meaning the Maiden, The Mother, and the Crone. The ever turning cycle of life, death, and rebirth."

"But why do I have it?" I ask. "I don't do witchcraft, I hunt them."

Sam shrugged before getting up. "I'm not sure. I'll so some research. As for the memory thing, if she's not reacting to the holy water or any type of exorcism-- Dean, she's not possessed."

"I really am, Dean," I hum softly. "Let's just hit the road-- look for a new case."

Dean sighed through his nose before starting to pack our duffel.


After working a case along route 99 involving a malicious spirit, and the spirit of a woman who had succumbed to his wrath. We set her spirit free after destroying the malicious spirit, and showing her that she was indeed, dead. We also hit a werewolf case where Sam ended up sleeping with the actual Werewolf. Which Dean and I found hilarious. I still had no recollection of what happened with this trickster Sam and Dean said we went up against with Bobby. We even hunted a ghost in Hollywood, where Dean ate all the snacks and gazed at all the eye candy he could while Sam and I actually worked, and the boys went to prison to hunt a ghost inside. Unfortunately, I wasn't going to get into a men's prison-- no matter how hard I tried. Dean got attacked by a Djinn, where he got sucked into a alternate universe where all his wishes had come true. Mary being alive, Sam going to university and marrying Jess, and being with me in our own small house. He didn't go into much detail about it, but when I asked about it, he clammed up and let a dreamy look to appear on his face for a long time. Then he'd shower me with so much affection, I'd get worried that he'd done something wrong.

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