Chapter 6

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" WHAT'S YOUR QUIRK!?!?!?! "

y/n: " Shit, I knew it would come to this...... "

The day after the battle trials everyone has been asking you this question and you have refused to answer, with people making rumors about what your quirk is. You are going to lunch with Midoriya and Uraraka, then All Might runs up to you.

All Might: " HELLO YOUNG (Y/N)! "

y/n: " JESUS CHRIST!.... Oh hi All Might. "

All Might: " Young (y/n). "

y/n: " Yes All Might? "

All Might: " Could you eat lunch with me, I need to talk to you about something. "

y/n: " Oh, ok "

You nervously walk into his office and he sits down.

All Might: " Young y/n, I've noticed you haven't told anyone about your quirk specifically. "

y/n: " Oh really I haven't noticed..... "

All Might: " You know I watched you during the battle testing, right? "

y/n: " Y-Yes..... "

All Might: " You can tell me your quirk, you don't need to be afraid. "

You are reluctant to say, but you mustered up the courage to say it. 

y/n: " I-I-I don't have a quirk...... "

All Might looks shocked.


y/n: " SHHHHH!!!! Be quiet. I'll tell you everything you need to know. "

You proceed to tell him the history of your family, Including your dad laning on earth and all the battles he was in and how saiyan- human biology works, but he doesn't believe you.

All Might: " Young (y/n), if you are really that powerful why didn't you use that " Super Saiyan " While during the battle trials? "

y/n: " Because I didn't want to kill someone. "

All Might: " Then Show me this great power of yours Young (y/n). "

y/n: " All right, All Might. "

You start to power up, your hair starts going golden, and then you transform.

You start to power up, your hair starts going golden, and then you transform

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y/n: " Now do you believe me? "

He can't speak. He's stunned at the power he just witnessed. 

All Might: " I-I can't even beg- "

The breach alarm starts blaring.

All Might: " Stay here young y/n! I'll see what's going on! "

He leaves and after a few minutes he comes back.

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