Chapter 36

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Midoriya: " Calm down, we're only doing surveillance! "

Mirio: " Can you blame him, he's got the eyes of a warrior and the heart of a hero! "

Bubble Girl: " Nighteye offices are in the middle of a secret investigation- "

Sir Nighteye: " We're tracking a small villain group called the Eightfold Cleansers and their leader, Chisaki, has begun to demonstrate some weird behavior. "

He shows you the picture of Chisaki, he looks like a normal man, but with a long, beak-like mask.

y/n: " And I have to beat the shit out of him? "

Nighteye: " Not yet, but he has been bringing back several groups of yakuzas. "

y/n: " Don't they usually lay low? "

Bubble girl: " Yes, but he's just been reassembling them for some reason, they even made contact with The League of Villains. "

y/n: " Oh, those bastards............ "

Nighteye: " You aren't being very enthusiastic. "

y/n: " I-sorry. "

You hadn't  told Sir Nighteye about your history with The League of Villains and how your mother was killed by All for One. You wanted to tell him, but you didn't want your internship to be terminated, so you just went with it.

Nighteye: " Mirio, Midoriya, and (y/n), you go in a group together to patrol the perimeter, i'll go with Bubble Girl. "

y/n: " YES SIR! "

You walk with Mirio and Midoriya in the city as you get looks from citizens who you hear whispering, " The Golden Warrior. "  

Midoriya: " I'm a little nervous........ "

y/n: " Don't worry Midoriya, you can handle yourself easily, just breath and you'll be ok! "

Midoriya: " I just lack experience with basic hero activities. "

Mirio: " That's kind of weird. "

y/n: " Not really, I mean, he did go through a bunch of villain attacks like I did. "

They get ahead of you while talking about hero names. As you try to catch up, you walk by an alleyway. Everything went by fast after that, you first heard footsteps, and then a little girl ran into you. She had white hair, a white gown on, and a horn growing out of her head with bandages on her arms.

y/n: " Oh, i'm sorry, that probably stung a bit. Are you ok, can you get up. "

As you ask the girl this, you hear slower footsteps. You look up and see him. Chisaki.

Chisaki: " Look what you've done causing a hero so much trouble

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Chisaki: " Look what you've done causing a hero so much trouble. "

You're in shock. You manage to keep your cool though.

Chisaki: " Sorry about my daughter, hero. She's been horsing around too much so she's scraped up. Worries me sick! "

This sentence disgusted you, he obviously had done something to her, and she looked terrified of him. Mirio comes over and starts talking to Chisaki.

Chisaki: " You three seem very young to be heroes. What offices are you with.

He was being cautious, and stern.

????: " Don't, don't leave............ "

Midoriya: " Your daughter, she seems scared. "

Chisaki: " Yes, because I had just scolded her. "

You speak up.

y/n: " These don't look like the kind of bandages you could get from horsing around. "

Chisaki: " She falls down a lot. "

y/n: " What are you doing to her. "

You just take the straight forward approach. Mirio looks at you nervously.

Chisaki: " Hmph, fine, I understand. I swear all heroes are so sensitive to the smallest of things. It's embarrassing, so i'd rather not talk about it in public......... could you follow me over there?

You  get chills down your spine, you don't know if he's going to do anything, so you stay cautious. 

Chisaki: " To tell you the truth, i've been nervous about Eri lately. "

y/n: (internally) " So that's her name....... "

Chisaki: " No matter what I say, she does nothing but rebel. "

y/n: (Internally) " I swear to fuck if he's hurting her.......... "

Midoriya: " Worried about raising her, is it, sounds rough. "

Chisaki: " It is. Kids are hard to understand, let me tell you. It honestly makes me think, I could turn into a different kind of person. "

He grabs his glove as he says that and you prepare to defend yourself, but the Eri breaks away from you and runs to his side.

y/n: " Huh........... "

Chisaki: " What now, done with your little tantrum. "

She nods her head as she grabs his hand.

y/n: " But, but, Eri are you- "

Chisaki: " This is how it's always like. I'm sorry I ended up bothering you two with this, again sorry for the trouble. Good luck on the job. "

y/n: " Wait, why? "

Chisaki then turns back around.

Chisaki: " Correct me if i'm mistaken, but are you The Golden Warrior? "

y/n: " Y-Yes that is my hero name. "

Chisaki: " Huh, i'll have to remember this. "

This officially freaks you the fuck out, you start to go after him, but Mirio stops you.

Mirio: " We're not chasing after him. "

y/n: " Why? He's obviously doing something to Eri! "

Mirio: " Yeah, but didn't you notice? He made a show of his murderous intent....... To reel her back in. Chase too far and you'll just make him harder to catch. C'mon, let's respect Sir's orders. "

y/n: " I know, just- let's go. "

This hit you, hard. You begin to think this was worse when your mother was killed, because she at least got put out of her misery. That girl was being used for something, not something good, but something life changing, life changing in the worst way possible. You finish scouting the perimeter and meet up with Sir Nighteye, apologizing about not foreseeing this future, but for you, your future, and your goal, is to find out what that bastard is doing to the small girl Eri. 

My Hero Academia X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now