Chapter 14

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You've helped your group with the studying and training, you even had Ojiro join you after the first day, but today was the day, the final exams. You take the written exam and you have no trouble with the problems, after that you change into your hero costume and head out with everybody else.

y/n: " Anybody know what we are up against? "

Iida: " We heard it was the same robots from the entrance exam and the sports festival. "

y/n: " So that's it, huh? "

You doubt it. They wouldn't throw the same types of robots at you twice and then expect you to fight them again. You then get your suspicions confirmed by Principal Nezu. 

Principal Nezu: " Since all the recent attacks on U.A we decided to make the training more realistic. So for the final exams, you all will be fighting, US. You each have 30 minutes to handcuff your opponent, make it to the gate or render the opponents unconscious. If you run out of time or if the teacher renders you unconscious you will fail the test. You all will have a handicap though, we will all be wearing weights that have us put on half of our body weight.  "

You see the color from Mina's and Kaminari's face drain, but you smile, you wonder what teacher could possibly face you with your power. You wait as the teams are made, but you aren't put on any of them.

y/n: " Hey what's the big idea! Why am I not on a team!? "

All Might looks at you fiercely.

All Might: " You will see when the time comes. "

y/n: (Internally) " Yeah, that's not questionable at all..... "

You talk with everyone for a minute about the training camp you all are going on after the finals if you pass.

Momo: " (y/n), I need you to help me at training camp, I-It would mean a lot for me. "

y/n: " Don't worry about it. I'll help you no matter what. "

You walk into the viewing room. All Might said you would be taking your test after everyone else, which only made you more nervous for what was going to come.

30 Minutes later

Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Ridiko: " DAMN IT! "

Mina and Kaminari got paired with Principal Nezu and got destroyed by him, they ended up failing the test, so did Kirishima and Ridiko due to them not having a plan. Everyone else passed with flying colors. Now It was your turn.

PA system: " (y/n) To battleground Z. "

y/n: " Wish me luck guys! "

Everyone: " Good luck! "

You know your classmates will be watching you while you fight whatever is in that battleground. You go Super Saiyan before you go in because you don't know who you're up against. 


You walk in. It's a damaged city that has been cleared out. You take a slow and cautious approach, You then feel as if your eardrums burst.


you the feel a kick to your stomach from, All Might? You thought you were fighting Present Mic there for a second. You then feel a powerful force drawing you backward as bullets hit you in the chest, not going through, but hurting you a good bit.

y/n: " 13? "

You then feel the ground fall below you separate as Power Loader nails you with an uppercut and then Mr. Aizawa with a kick, and they both send you flying backwards on to your back, then you see that a cement sphere has formed around you, that's when you begin to feel tired.

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