True Colors

712 27 11

(Not So) Short Story

Written By: Me

Prompt: What if gundham and kazuichi admitted to each other that they both wore colored contacts and dyed their hair (kazuichi is to naive to know that people can't be born with muticolor hair like that) and they both decide to go the entire day without wearing their colored contacts

Gundam: friend kazuichi I have a question I must ask

Kazuichi: yeah?

Gundham: is pink your natural hair and eyes color

Kazuichi: uhm..why do you ask

Gundham: sorry I'm just a bit curios

Kazuichi: well since you are my best friend and all I might as well tell you the my hair and eyes are not naturally pink I dye my hair and wear contacts

Gundham: oh well why do you do that if I may ask

Kazuichi: when I was younger alot of kids took advantage of me so I thought if I made myself look threatening people would stop doing that

Gundham: oh well that's a quite understandable reasoning

Kazuichi: yeah my original hair color was black and my eyes were dark brown I actually used to have short hair but I grew it out a bit

Gundham: well since you admitted something so personal I shall also admit my hair and eye color did not start this way I wear one red eye contact and I bleach my hair

Kazuichi: oh well at least I'm not completely alone

Gundham: actually that gives me an idea if you'd be willing to do it

Kazuichi: what's your idea

Gundham: how about we show our natural eye color tommorow

Kazuichi: you mean to not wear our eye contacts

Gundham: exactly

Kazuichi: hm..I guess I could try I mean it's only for one day and your the only one who's really gonna see me since it is a weekend

*the next morning*

Kazuichi: *wakes up and let's airboy out of his cage*

Airboy: *zooms out and zooms around squeaking happily*

Kazuichi: *walks out of his room into the living room and sees Gundam sitting on the couch watching a documentary on merecats on animal planet* good morning Gundham

Gundham: *notices kazuichi* oh good morning friend kazuichi would you like to watch this with me

Kazuichi: sure *sits by Gundham and watches TV with him*

*After an hour the documentary about merecats is over*

Kazuichi: well merecats might just be my second favorite animal now

Gundham: I agree

Kazuichi: It kinda feels weird to not have my eye contacts in

Gundham: I almost forgot about our deal I was so focused on the television but your eyes look very nice without the contacts

Kazuichi: thanks Gundam you also look nice without your contacts your eyes are hypnotic with and without them

Gundham: *hides his face in his scarf blushing* thank you for such kind words friend kazuichi

Kazuichi: anytime Gundham

Gundham: your eyes are like that of an incubus you could probably attract any women you wanted if you completely stopped wearing your contacts

Kazuichi: *blushes a tiny bit* thanks man although I doubt that

Gundham: you are welcome friend Kazuichi

Le end

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