Truth Or Dare

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A/N: I didn't expect you guys to actually give me votes- okay guess I'll follow up on my promise uwu

Kazuichi wasn't sure if he wanted to stay to see the chaos here insue but nonetheless he decided not to leave because he wanted to spend some time with Leon.

"Hey Mondo. Truth or dare?" Asked Yasuhiro

"Dare." Mondo replied fearlessly

"I dare you to kiss Ishimaru" he stoner said chuckling a bit

Mondo seemed unphased while Ishimaru blushed. Mondo leaned over and kissed Ishimaru on the cheek. Ishimaru was against PDA but he'll make an exeption for Mondo.

"Alright. Chihiro. Truth or dare?" Mondo said

"Uh,, Truth?" The quiet boy said

"Do you have a girlfriend?" The biker asked. The quiet boy shook his head.

"Okay, uhm. Yasuhiro truth or dare?.." Chihiro asked

"Truth." Yasuhiro said proudly

"Uhh.  Have you ever uhm. Kissed a girl?" Chihiro asked

Yasuhiro thought about it. "I'm pretty sure I have" he said unsure. "Well anyways truth or dare Leon."

"Dare!" Leon replied enthusiastically

Yasuhiro seemed to have a plan. "I dare you to kiss Kazuichi" he said.

Leon didn't really seemed all that phased by this but still blushed faintly. Kazuichi blushed too and looked kinda anxious. Leon noticed and was slightly concerned. "If you don't want me to kiss you I won't. It's just a dare." Leon said.

"It's not that it's just well uh.. I've never kissed anyone before." Kazuichi admitted embarrassed. Leon smiled sympathetically.

"Like I said it's up to you."

"I'd uh. Rather not." Kazuichi said quietly. Leon nodded understandingly as he placed a hand on Kazuichi's shoulder.

"It's alright if you're not comfortable we don't have to." The red head then turned to his friends. "Can you give me a different dare?"

"Oh sure bro uh.. How about. I dare you to put your arm around Kazuichi." Hagakure shrugged.

Leon did exactly that which caused Kazuichi to scoot a bit closer to Leon while blushing. "This is okay. Right?" Leon asked quietly. Kazuichi nodded.

"Okay. Kazuichi. Truth or dare." Leom said looking at the boy he had his arm around.

"Uhm. Truth." Kazuichi said not wanting to be dared to do anything embarrassing.

"How do you feel about me." Leon asked hesitantly

Kazuichi blushed more than he already was. "I uhm. Well." He looked at the others who were excited to see what Kazuichi would tell Leon. They must've been in on this.

"I. Don't know." He said unsure of what else to say.

"Kazzy." Leon said sighing his facial expression becoming sad. "Do you like me back or not?"

Kazuichi awkwardly shrugged. "I. Don't know. I'm sorry" Kazuichi said feeling bad. Leon's face went sad and he just quietly sat there. Kazuichi looked around at the others who all looked mildly dissapointed.

"Uhm..Ishimaru truth or dare?" Kazuichi asked.


"What's the stupidest thing ya ever done"

Ishimaru thought for a moment. "One time I forgot my eyes where I put my phone. It was in my hand."

The others laughed and Ishi chucked a bit as well. Leon didn't really laugh though.

Everything continued on until it began to get dark and the others left. Leon had cheered up by then at least. By the time it was dark Kazuichi was the only one still there. They both sat on the couch together once the others were gone.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Leon said to Kazuichi once everyone had left.

"Nah it's okay bro I don't really mind. I'm sorry I'm so unsure of my feelings." Kazuichi apologized.

"It's fine. It's okay if you don't know how you feel. It's okay if you don't feel the same." Leon said looking at Kazuichi. "Either way I enjoy spending time with you. It makes me so happy to see you smile." Leon admitted blushing.

Kazuichi blushed too once he heard that. "I don't think I've heard anyone talk about me the way ya do".

"I don't think I've ever felt the way you make me feel before." Leon replied smiling

They both looked at eachother quietly. They didn't really know what else to say. Suddenly Kazuichi felt a sudden. Impulse to lean forward.

Before Kazuichi could properly think. He was kissing Leon. And Leon was kissing back. Kazuichi was embarrassed but he didn't pull away until Leon did.

They both looked at eachother blushing before Leon said in a surpised and quiet voice. "You're a really good kisser"

Kazuichi blushed but couldnt help but smile. "Ya ain't so bad either" he said flustered.

"If you want. You can stay the night here. It's getting kinda dark and I wouldn't want you walking home alone." Leon suggested. Kazuichi nodded.

"So uh. Are you sure how you feel about me now or are you still confused by your feelings?" Leon asked

"To be honest I'm even more confused now." Kazuichi admitted.

"That's alright I understand." Leon shrugged but kept his smile. "If you figure it out tell me." Leon said winking. Kazuichi is gonna get an anime nosebleed if Leon doesn't stop being so h o t.

They both sat on the couch for a while talking and watching tv until they both agreed to lay down.

They didn't mind sharing a bed so they did that like they've done previously but this time Kazuichi felt. Different. He didn't know why but his heart felt like it was all over the place. Leon took off this shirt and was getting ready for bed while Kazuichi was secretly watching but trying to act like he wasn't. Once Leon laid down beside him Kazuichi couldn't help but find himself unable to sleep as he realized he might actually be sure of his feelings and just be in denial.

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