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(Not So) Short Story

Written By: Me

Prompt: How would kazuichi react to gundham feeling really down or vise versa The idea was kazuichi's parents found out about Airboy and kazuichi isn't allowed to have any pets so his parents are making him get rid of airboy


*it's a weekend*

*kazuichi texts gundham asking if him and Airboy can come over and gundham says yes as usual but could tell something was off*

Kazuichi: *arrives to gundhams house looking extremely upset but Airboy is on his head squeaking happily and he flies over to were the dark devas are*

Gundham: friend kazuichi why do you look so upset is something bothering you

Kazuichi: my parents found out about Airboy..and they are making me get rid of him since I'm not allowed to have any pets

Gundham: how dare they what is their reasoning behind this

Kazuichi: they say that I'm not responsible enough to take care of a hamster even though I've had Airboy for months

Gundham: your authority figures seem to not have very much faith in you

Kazuichi: they have good intentions they just don't always understand ya know..I just wish I could keep Airboy..

Gundham: maybe you could try talking your authority figures into letting you keep him

Kazuichi: I've already tried I begged and begged but they wouldn't let me

Gundham: oh well maybe you could say you gave him to one of your friends but still secretly keep him

Kazuichi: I can't do that my parents are going to put him up for sale on some pet shop website's stupid

Gundham: is there any way they will let you keep Airboy

Kazuichi: not any I can think of..I just..I don't know what to do *kazuichi has been trying not to cry but a tear managed to escape that he quickly wiped away*

Gundham: I won't let them take your partner away kazuichi we can think of something don't worry

Kazuichi: I'll try not to.

Gundham: let's go check on the hamsters they are in my room *he leads the way*

Kazuichi: *follows behind*

Airboy: *flies over to kazuichi when he walks in and squeaks happily*

Kazuichi: *smiles sadly and holds Airboy petting him*

Gundham: are you sure there isn't anything you can do to keep Airboy

Kazuichi: yeah..

Gundham: hm. Maybe you could say he ran away and you can't find him

Kazuichi: my parents would never believe that they aren't that dumb

Gundham: I guess it is a kinda obvious lie

Airboy: *flies back over to the dark devas*

Kazuichi: *sits on the edge of gundhams bed* I really wish my parents would let me keep him.. he's to me *kazuichi said as another tear managed to escape despite kazuichi's best efforts to not cry*

Gundham: *sits down beside kazuichi rubbing his back comfortingly* like I stated previously don't worry about it to much I'll make sure they won't take Airboy away

Kazuichi: but how are you going to stop them from taking him away

Gundham: I'll come up with something kazuichi I promise

Kazuichi: alright I trust you

Gundham: *thinks for a second and gets an idea* I think I have an idea it may be a bit of a foolish idea but what if you were too move in with me you could have the spare guest room

Kazuichi: I mean I guess my parents can't say I'm not allowed to have a pet under their roof if I'm not living under their roof

Gundham: exactly friend kazuichi *he smiles*

Airboy: *flies over with the dark devas on his back*

Kazuichi: woah

Airboy: *lands on the bed with all the devas on his back and they all jump off*

*The next day kazuichi brought the few things he owned over to gundhams house and put all his stuff in the guest room*

Kazuichi: thanks again gundham

Gundham: anything for my greatest friend in this universe

Kazuichi: in this universe? Are you implying you've met better friends in other universes

Gundham: don't worry I'd never replace you friend kazuichi

Kazuichi: good

The end!

Hamsters And Friendship (A Danganronpa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now