Feelings Are Confusing

273 38 4

A/N: If This Gets At Least 6 Votes I'll Make The Thing I Really Want To Make Happen Happen

A few days had passed since Kazuichi and Leon had gone on their little adventure together. Kaz still couldn't help but blush faintly when he thought about it. But he knew how he felt for sure right? He likes Gundham. He knows he likes Gundham. He only sees Leon as a friend.

He was so deep into his thoughts Kazuichi hadn't heard Gundham say his name from the doorway. The goth animal lover attempted once more to get his friends attention.

Kaz quickly snapped out of his zoned out state and looked at Gundham attentively. Gundham seemed to appreciate finally having his friends attention. "Would you like to join me and the dark devas. You may bring Airboy if you would like to."

Kazuichi nodded quickly. "Sure I'd love to. Where are ya takin us though" he asked curiously but excited to get to spend time with Gundham.

"We will be going to Chiaki's house. Sonia is over there and has asked if we can join them so that we can all spend time together." Gundham said smiling.

Kazuichi's excitement faded. Gundham only wanted to spend time with Sonia, but at least he wanted to bring Kazuichi too. "Okay just give me a moment to get ready." Kazuichi said forcing himself to still seem excited.

Once they arrived Sonia seemed super happy to see Gundham. Once she noticed Kazuichi however, her happiness faded slightly. "I didn't know you were gonna bring him." Sonia said kinda awkwardly.

"He is my friend. And it seems I do not spend as much time with him as I used to so I thought it would be okay to bring him. Sorry if it's an inconvenience." Gundham said seemedly feeling a bit guilty.

"Oh it's not an inconvenience at all just come on in." She said letting them in and leading the way to where Chiaki was.

Chiaki waved at the others when they walked in. She seemed to be in the middle of a really intense mario kart battle.

The girls and Gundham talked for a while, while Kazuichi sat off to the side with Airboy kinda lonely. He checked his phone out of boredom.

Gundham noticed his friends awkwardness and tried to involve him in the conversation so he wouldn't feel alone. "So friend Kazuichi how have you been." Gundham asked. Kazuichi looked up from his phone and shrugged.

"Ya know the usual. Just been hangin out with my friends n such" Kazuichi explained. The others seemed curious so Kazuichi elaborated. "Mostly been spendin time with my friend Leon."

Chiaki spoke up once Kazuichi had said this. "Isn't that the red head who's friend's with my step brother?"

Kazuichi nodded smiling. "You're step brother's Chihiro right?". She nodded. "That's what I thought. Yeah that's him."

"My brother says Leon talks about you alot to him. He seems to really like you." Chiaki said with a small smile.

Kazuichi blushed faintly. Did Leon really talk about him that much. He really didn't know how to feel about it. But they were best friends afterall so of course Leon would talk about him.. Right?

Chiaki noticed Kazuichi blushing and looked curiously. The other two so joined in. Kazuichi blushed more.

"Friend Kazuichi why are you blushing?"

"No reason I just uh. Nothin." Kazuichi looked away and tried to hide his face

The others soon shrugged it off and continued conversion. Gundham felt a little bad thinking he might've accidentally made Kazuichi uncomfortable.

Kazuichi checked his phone again and saw he had a text message. He opened it up and read it.

"Hey Kazzy wanna hang out?"

"Im kinda busy spendin time w Gundham maybe tommorow?"

"Come on please? You can bring Gundham with you if you want. Me and my friends are all just hanging out and having a good time and it would be super rad if you joined us"

Kazuichi sighed at his phone and looked over at Gundham. "Hey Gundham is it okay if we leave? Leon wants me to come over to his house"

"It is okay friend Kazuichi. You can leave if you would like. We can talk later." Gundham said.

Kazuichi left by himself after Gundham said that. He walked down to Leons house as he texted Leon saying he'd be there. Once he arrived he was instantly able to hear Leons friends all yelling and being loud. Exept for Chihiro of couse.

Leon let Kazuichi in and then sat back down in a circle in the middle. Kazuichi sat by Leon. "So what are you guys doing?" Kazuichi asked quietly

"Playing truth or dare" Leon replied.

A/N: *Evil Author Cliffhanger Noises*

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