Not As Planned

469 19 5

Short Story
Written By Me
Summary: Kazuichi comes up with an awesome idea to possibly confess to Gundham but when Gundham invites Sonia over things don't go as planned

It was Christmas morning and Kazuichi had barely gotten any sleep that night being so excited for Christmas the next day. Once he had woken up from being asleep for two hours he quickly went to wake Gundham up. "Gundham wake up it's Christmas" Kazuichi said very loudly bursting into Gundhams room nearly scaring Gundham half to death but successfully waking him up. "Alright alright friend Kazuichi I have awoken just give me a moment" Gundham said getting up and rubbing his forehead tiredly.

Kazuichi waited for Gundham in the living room while Airboy was flying around excitedly. Gundham eventually joined them in the living room bringing the dark devas with him.

After they had almost finished opening their presents their was a knock at the door. Gundham went to open the door and it was princess Sonia who Gundham seemed happy to see. Gundham noticed how confused Kazuichi was and explained "friend Kazuichi sorry for not telling you I decided to invite the princess to celebrate with us I hope you don't mind". Kazuichi shook his head "nah I don't mind at all" but a part of him did but he ignored it

They finished opening their gifts and then taking a moment to put all their gifts where they we're supposed to go before meeting back up in the living room. The next hour or so was spent watching Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate which was nice but Kazuichi knew he now had to initiate his plan. While Gundham was busy talking to Someone else Kazuichi hung a mistletoe above the door frame to the kitchen. His plan was full proof and simple right there was no possible way of failure.

That was what he thought until Sonia and Gundham had been on their way to the kitchen and walked right under the mistletoe. Sonia looked up at the mistletoe as they walked under it. "Gundham look up. A mistletoe!" Sonia said smiling. Gundham blushed and hid his face in his scarf for a moment. "Well since the great laws of Christmas demand it. I shall provide you a kiss" Gundham said

Gundham and Sonia then shared a small kiss. Kazuichi had seen it from where he was at and it brought a frown to the mechanics face. He felt jealous. Sonia then giggled as her and Gundham continued on there way into the kitchen to make Christmas cookies.

Kazuichi stared blankly as he frowned. "I'll be in my room if either of you need me." Kazuichi said out loud even though he knew deep down no one was listening.

Kazuichi hurried to his room and closed the door behind him. He sat on his bed and tried to distract himself for now. He didn't know why he felt so jealous I mean it was just a kiss right? Gundham didn't like Sonia did he? Kazuichi frowned as he realized there was a chance his crush didn't like him back. Suddenly his phone made a noise as Kazuichi got a text.

Kazuichi checked his phone and noticed he'd gotten a text from Leon.

So how did your plan go bro? Did you and Gundham end up kissing yet?

No. He ended up kissing Sonia

Damn. That sucks. Well I hope you can somehow find a way to turn things around

Maybe I should give up

I think Gundham likes Sonia

Well just ask him if he likes her that's the easiest way to find out

Also do you wanna come over to my place later?

I can come over now if your okay with that Gundham and Sonia are busy so I don't really have much to do

Sure bro

Kazuichi left without saying where he was going. He knew Gundham wasn't listening anyways.

((A/N: Sorry I Kinda Uh. Died For Months))

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