'As Friends'

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A/N: Get Ready For The Biggest No Homo Of Your Life

Kazuichi got ready to go over to Leon's house like they'd planned the day before. He didn't really have anything else to do seeing as Gundham had decided to spend time with Sonia as usual. Kazuichi realized as he was getting ready he didn't bring Airboy with him much anymore. He'd usually just give Airboy food and water and make sure he was able to get out and play with the dark devas if he got lonely but Kazuichi didn't do as much with his little friend as he used to. So he decided to let Airboy join him and he let Airboy chill under his beanie.

When Kazuichi arrived and knocked on the door to Leons apartment the red head was busy fixing his hair. When he heard knocking he tried to finish fixing it quickly and then he went over to the door quickly. "Oh hey Kaz." He said opening the door to see the pink haired dork.

Kazuichi greeted Leon back with a simple "Hey" before pausing and asking him "So uh. What do ya wanna do? Did you have anythin planned for us to do or did you just wanna hang out?"

"Oh yeah. I was thinking we could go on a little adventure and see where we end up. Or we could just chill here it's up to you really" Leon said shrugging but keeping his usual charming smile.

"That sounds epic" he replied liking that idea. Suddenly Airboy squeaked from under Kazuichi's beanie as he peaked his head out. Leon smiled at the little hamster. "Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm bringin Airboy. Hope ya don't mind".

"I don't mind at all. But we should probably get going soon if we wanna actually find something fun to do" he pointed out. Kazuichi agreed and so they left.

Leon and Kazuichi walked for a good while talking for what felt like hours. They talked about old memories and all the time they spent together growing up. They eventually ended up exploring some nearby woods despite Leon not really being sure if he wanted to but agreeing to just to make Kazuichi happy.

They eventually found a good place to sit down and talk under the stars as it had become night time by now. The night sky looked so whimsical from where they were. It looked like a million little fireflies dancing in the dark blue sky as the shined down apon the crisp leaves.

"Remember that time you drank an entire gallon of Dr Pepper as a bet" Leon asked chuckling as they enjoyed the peacefully atmosphere

"I got so sick I refused to drink Dr Pepper for a month." Kazuichi replied laughing a bit. As they calmed down a bit they both looked up at the sky.

"It's a really nice night out." Leon stated in a softer more calm tone "I'm glad you agreed to hang out with me" he continued.

"No problem dude. I enjoy spendin time with ya. You're my best friend." Kazuichi said smiling at Leon

Leon's smile faded as Kazuichi said that. Had he just been friendzoned? Well I guess he should've expected that. "You're uh. My best too" he replied hesitantly.

Kazuichi leaned against the tree they were sitting by and shivered a little as a gust of wind blew by. Kazuichi wasn't really dressed for cold weather with his white tank top and blue jeans. Leon noticed his friend was getting cold and got an idea. "Hey Kaz are you cold? You can borrow my jacket if you want." Leon offered. Kazuichi seemed to consider it then nod a bit knowing it would only get colder. Once Kazuichi had gotten Leons jacket on he felt much warmer.

Airboy peaked back out of Kazuichi's beanie again and squeaked at Leon which caused Kazuichi to laugh a bit. "I think he's sayin thank you" Kazuichi said. That made Leon smile.

After some time passed they both agreed they should start heading out of the woods before it got too late. Leon offered to lead the way out and Kazuichi simply followed. They soon found it was harder to see eachother or much of anything else in the darkness so Leon ended up having to hold onto Kazuichi's hand so he didn't get lost.

Once they were out of the woods Kazuichi and Leon quickly let go of eachothers hands blushing. Leon agreed to walk Kazuichi to his house so they could keep talking.

"So uh. Do ya still. Like me?" Kazuichi asked kinda timidly.

"Well. Yeah. Obviously. It's only been a day since I confessed" Leon said smiling awkwardly

"Oh okay just askin." Kazuichi said blushing a tiny bit.

"Have you figured out how you feel yet?"

"Well I know I like Gundham. I think. Maybe."

Right as Kazuichi said that they arrived at Kazuichi (and Gundham's) house. "Well uh. I'll see ya around dork" Leon said playfully

"I'm not a dork". Kazuichi replied simply

"Yeah you are." Leon said with a smile

"No I'm not" Kazuichi repeated smiling as well

"At least you're a cute dork" Leon said then instantly blushed as he realized he'd let that slip out.

Kazuichi blushed as well. "You think I'm cute?"

"Well uh. Yeah." Leon said nervously smiling

"Oh okay well uh. I gotta go. Talk to you later." Kazuichi said before hurrying inside before Leon could stop him.

Leon sighed and headed home an embarrassed mess. Meanwhile Kazuichi was sitting in his room with Airboy blushing bright red while he petted his hamster to distract his mind.

Kazuichi felt embarrassed as he now couldn't stop thinking about how Leom called him cute. He didn't know how to feel about it. He felt. Good. Really good. It made his heart feel weird when he thought about it. He kept rethinking about all the things they talked about while blushing. He then remembered he was still wearing Leon's jacket, he'd have to remember to give that back, but for now he actually felt really comfortable in it. He wouldnt ever admit that though. He knows he likes Gundham for sure. Right?

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