Fixing A Friendship (Maybe)

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     Kazuichi walked up to the door taking a deep breath and trying to be brave. He currently stood outside of Leon's door mentally preparing to apologize to him like Gundham suggested he do. He didn't really know what to say to him exactly but he'd planned on saying whatever he felt like might help. Once his thoughts were gathered he knocked on the door.
     Leon opened the door shirtless and seemingly sleepy. Once he saw Kazuichi he looked saddened with an emotion unreadable to Kaz.
     "What do you want?" He said in a quiet but seemingly frustrated tone
     "I just came to talk to ya. Mind if I come in?" The pink haired boy replied with an awkward smile.
     He stepped out of the way of the doorway to allow Kaz to walk in without saying anything more. Kaz stood nearby until Leon closed the door, that's when he spoke.
     "Okay so basically. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said that hurtful stuff i said to ya." Kazuichi said awkwardly rubbing his upper arm
     "You're right. You shouldn't have." Was all he replied as he looked at who he considered his best friend at one point.
     Kazuichi looked at the floor and contined. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't blamin ya-self for what I said. The stuff I said was all just stuff I said in the heat of the moment."
     Leon looked at him quietly. Before replying after a moment to think about it. "I guess we both said some stupid shit. Although you were kinda right, my crush would never like me back. It's okay though. It's probably better off that way." He said his voice a bit shakey.
     The mechanic looked at his friend with guilt, it was all his fault Leon had given up chasing after the person he loved. He stayed quiet until Leon spoke again.
     "Me getting so mad back then was hypocritical anyways. I was complaining about you being jealous and selfish but I was to."
     They both stood there quietly looking at eachother. They didn't really know what else to say, until Kaz broke the silence.
     "I don't fully understand actually. Why were ya jealous." He asked his friend tilting his head a bit.
     Leon looked uncomfortable but answered after sone hesitation. "I was jealous cuz. Well. Remember my crush?"
     "Uh. Yeah?"
     "Well. My crush is. You"

((Cliffhanger >:3))

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