Jealousy And Violence

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After a couple days Gundham had gotten tired of this. He wanted to spend time with Kazuichi. He wanted to try and fix things and maybe cause Kaz to fall for him again. But he would not dare to admit it.

After some thinking he decided the best course of action would be to confront Leon and ask why he was spending so much time with Kazuichi. As if he did not already know. But he thought maybe he could convince Leon to stop inviting Kaz over all the time.

"I have plans on going to do some stuff with Fuyuhiko and Peko today I'll be back later" Kazuichi said to Gundham quickly before leaving. Perfect.

Gundham made his way to Leon's house in a hurry. Once he arrived he knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" Leon asked opening the door and looking at Gundham.

"I need to have a very important talk with you"

Leon hesitantly let Gundham in and crossed his arms annoyed. "What the fuck is so important you come bothering me when I was just about to leave."

"It is about Kazuichi."

"What? Did something bad happen to him?"

"No. But I wanted to politely ask you to stop talking to him. At least not as much."

Leon looked deeply confused. "Stop talking to him?? Why the fuck would I do that??"

"Because I asked you to. He never spends time with me anymore. He's always with you." Gundham said in a passive aggressive tone

Leon rolled his eyes. "No fucking way. What are you jealous or something??" Leon asked getting more annoyed by the second. Gundham didn't say anything. He couldn't.

"Holy fuck. I'm right? You're jealous he's spending time with me not you? " Leon said in an annoyed harsh tone. "He used to hang out with you a lot too you know. But you didn't feel the same."

"I did feel the same! I just did not know that's how he made me feel at the time!" Gundham said raising his voice and trying to sound threatening

Leon glared. "Well guess what dumbass. You're. Too. Fucking. Late. He likes me now and I like him too." He said his tone becoming harsher.

Gundham felt so much anger bubbling up. More anger than he knew he could feel. "No he doesn't!" Gundham said glaring back. "He'd never love a unintelligent fool of a mortal like you!"

That was what made Leon' s anger finally reach it's limit

He punched Gundham causing the black and white haired male to stumble back holding the side of his face where he'd gotten punched. Once he'd processed what just happened he quickly went and punched Leon back.

Within moments the two were fist fighting.

In the midst of their fighting they failed to notice the group walk in through the unlocked door. "Stop it!" Shouted a familiar voice.

Gundham and Leon stopped and looked at them. There stood Kazuichi with Fuyu and Peko close behind. Gundham and Leon both looked very apologetic for their actions.

"Why were you two fightin?? What are you even doin here Gundham?" Kazuichi asked confused.

Gundham hesitantly and defeatedly replied "I was tired of you spending all your time with him." He walked closer to Kazuichi who looked very upset. "Friend Kazuichi there's something important I should tell you."

"What is it Gundham" Kazuichi sighed.

"When you asked me if I liked you that day. I lied. I did not understand what that feeling you made me feel was. I know now. I like you Kazuichi. I like you a lot." Gundham admitted sadly.

Kazuichi blushed. "Really?" He asked smiling a bit. He felt really happy until he glanced at Leon.

Leon felt his heart break a little at seeing how happy Kaz was to know Gundham felt the same. He could feel he'd now lost any chance of getting with Kaz. He couldn't help but look as hurt as he was.

"Well does this mean we are a couple now?" Gundham asked smiling. Kazuichi hesitantly shook his head.

"I. Dont think we should get together just yet. I've been spendin so much time with Leon that." Kazuichi was trying to get his words out correctly and trying not to hurt anyone's feelings.

"You're going to get with him aren't you? I was too late..." Gundham said defeated and on the verge of tears.

"No no I just. I don't know." Kazuichi said panicking.

"Which one of us do you like more?" Leon asked finally speaking again.

"I. I don't know.." Kazuichi said.

"Kazuichi. You must choose. Him or me." Gundham replied looking straight into his soul.

Kazuichi looked back and forth at Leon and Gundham repeatedly. Unsure of what to say.

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