Reality Check

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((A/N: Im writing this pretty late but oh well. Excuse my grammar))

     It was the next day when Kazuichi had made the trip back to Leon's house to get his beanie he'd left over there the previous day. He went alone since Gundham was apperantly doing something with Sonia today.
     The pink haired boy knocked on his friends apartment door and a few moments later Leon opened it and seemed a bit surprised to see his friend.
     "Sorry for comin over without warnin I just came to get my beanie i left over here yesterday." he explained. Leon let Kazuichi come inside to get his beanie and maybe even chill for a little bit.
     "Hey Sodapop you can stay around for a little bit if you want, I don't have anything planned until later" Leon told his friend, he hoped that would convince him.
     Kazuichi seeme to think about it as he retrieved his beanie and put it on. He quickly agreed to staying for a little bit, there wouldn't be any harm done by just spending time with your friend right?
     "Sure I guess I can stay. Gundham is busy doing stuff with Sonia" Kazuichi said rolling his eyes at the thought of it. Leon just kinda smiled awkwardly.
     The two of them ended up just laying around and talking about whatever, Kazuichi frequently brought up Gundham in the conversation and made his jealousy quite clear. His red haired friend began to get a bit annoyed quite quickly.
     "Well as I was sayin, I don't know why Gundham likes her instead of me, it doesn't make sense. I'm way more carin and affectionate." Kazuichi complained for the third time in a row. Leon let out a quiet huff of annoyance.
     "I get it Kaz, you're jealous. You don't have to keep bringing it up" Leon pointed out trying to seem as carefree and friendly as possible.
     "I know but its just dumb. He should be in love with me not her."
     "You don't even know for sure they're on a date. You're just jumping to conclusions Kaz just calm down"
     Once he'd been told that Kazuichi looked at his friend visibly irritated. "You wouldn't understand" the magenta haired mechanic said as he got up.
     Leon began to look visibly offended. "What do you mean I wouldn't understand? I understand just as much as you if not more." Leon said to his friend as he raised his voice a bit.
     Kazuichi rolled his eyes at Leon. "Yeah, right. I probably just sound like an idiot to you right now. Ya coulda just told me i was annoyin ya and I would've stopped." He said simply.
     "Im not annoyed. Not for the reasons you think I am anyways" Leon said glaring a bit.
     "If you aint annoyed for the reason I think you are then why are you annoyed?"
     "Because your acting like a little kid who had his candy taken!" Leon said suddenly standing up still raising his voice frustrated.
     "No I'm not! I'm sorry for complaining about being jealous." He replied getting defensive
     "It was never about you being jealous! It was about how you are dealing with being jealous Kazuichi!" Leon explained trying to calm himself down but failing.
     "Then how am I supposed to deal with it?"
     "Like I do! Maybe instead of complaining maybe you should actually be happy for him?! If you actually love someone you want the best for them not whatever benefits you!" Leon tried to explain but was accidentally being threatening with his loud voice.
     Kazuichi was slowly backing away beginning to get a bit afraid, he'd never seen Leon get like this before. But Kaz still felt the need to stand his ground even if he was wrong. "Well sorrry! Where did ya even get this experience from huh? Or are ya just makin shit up to sound wise, if so it isn't helping" he explained.
     "I got this experience from first hand watching my crush fall for someone else! And guess what?! Instead of being immature and selfish I tried to encourage them to be with who they loved, like a good person would!" Leon said
     Kazuichi was getting afraid but also irritated by this argument. "Why does it matter so much how I deal with jealousy?! Are ya just upset because I'm mentionin Gundham? Don't ya care about how I'm feelin?" he asked his friend.
     "Of course I care Kazuichi! I'm just annoyed of you acting like this with every crush you get!" Leon tried to explained.
     "Well ya comin off as a total douchebag right now. If this is how ya really like deep down then maybe its not that much a surprise after all that ya crush doesn't like you back!" Kaz said in frustration.
     Leon suddenly stopped, completely. He stood still as you could physically sense him trying to process if he'd heard that right. Leon took a small step back as he looked at the ground suddenly and his breathing got a tiny bit shakey as his emotions were suddenly changed. Kazuichi stood there silently instantly feeling regret for what he just said.
     "Wait, Leon I didn't mea-" Kazuichi tried to speak but was interupted.
     "Go home."
     "Leon wait I just-"
     "I said go home. Leave. Now." Leon said in a quiet but aggressive voice. Thats when Kazuich began to notice that even if Leon was trying to hide it, he'd started crying.
     Kazuichi felt ten times more guilty as he noticed this. "Leon I really didn't mean it I said it in the heat of the m-".
     "What part of go leave don't yoy understand Kazuichi. Just go." Leon said his breath gettinf shakier as he seemed to be trying to hold back the tears but was failing.
     Kazuichi didn't want to just leave his friend upset without apologizing. "Leon please just let me talk I-"
     "Please stop. You've already made me fucking cry just leave me alone please!" Leon nearly begged as he looked up enough to see Leon's grey eyes staring right through him, half glaring.
     Kazuichi stood quietly as he looked at the ground in shame. He turned and left quickly just as Leon had asked him to.
     Kazuichi walked home with a sad expression regretting having said what he said but knowing he couldn't take it back.

     Once Kazuichi had left Leon kept trying to get himself to stop crying but at the same time ended up crying more. He felt pathetic for letting his emotions get the better of him and for letting Kaz see that side of him. He sat on his bed quietly as he cried silently until he had to make himself stop so he could do the things he needed to do without looking like he'd had an emotional breakdown.

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