Too Much Thinking

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A little over a week had passed since the fight between Leon and Gundham. Kazuichi still wasn't sure about his feelings. It was constantly at the back of his mind trying to decide who he should be with, Who he liked more. No matter what he did the thought was there.

He laid on his bed staring up at the ceiling. He could hear Gundham in the other room talking to the dark devas. The two had been mostly avoiding one another since the fight and only talked to one another when the absolutely needed to.

The pink haired boy let out a soft sigh and looked over at the hamster cage Airboy was in. He smiled at the hamster and went over to and took Airboy out and held him as he sat on his bed

"I wish you and I could trade places. All ya ever gotta worry about is how much food and water ya have." Kazuichi said chuckling a bit. "I wish I knew what to do.. If I chose Leon then Gundham might stop bein my friend and I might end up havin to move out.. But if I chose Gundham then he might end up makin me stop bein friends with Leon."

Kazuichi continued to vent about his troubles to the little hamster until he felt better. He soom put the hamster back in his cage and went to the kitchen to go grab a snack.

While searching through the pantry he got spooked by a tap om the shoulder. He quickly turned and looked at Gundham. "Jesus.. Don't go around scarin me like that next time".

"My apologies for alarming you." Gundham said with a tone of slight nervousness "I just wanted to talk to you about something".

Kazuichi looked at Gundham a bit curious of what he was needing to talk about. "What is it?"

"Sorry for being impolite but. I overheard you talking to Airboy earlier." Gundham said pausing for a moment to examine Kazuichi's now worried expression. "And I wanted to say that... You're incorrect."

Kazuichi was a bit confused and made it clear in his expression. "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that I would not stop being your friend or kick you out if you chose to be with Leon. And I would not force you to end your friendship with Leon if you chose me" Gundham explained. "I care about you Kazuichi. More than I care about any other mortal."

Kazuichi took a moment to process this then smiled at Gundham "do you really mean all that?"

Gundham nodded and smiled back. "Although it would pain me a bit for you to chose Leon. I would get over that pain easily knowing that you will be happy"

Kazuichi and Gundham talked a bit more before Kazuichi headed back to his room with a peanut butter granola bar. He sat back on his bed and began to think. His decisions less driven by fear now. And after a while. He'd made his decision.

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