15. Backyard

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Calum opened the fridge to grab a bottle of orange juice. He had just woken up after his long day yesterday. After he picked up Mali at the airport yesterday, his sister practically made him as her private driver. She'd asked him to bring her to some places in NYC.

It had made him wonder why his sister didn't get any jet lag after her long flight to NYC from London. He closed the fridge and pour the juice to the glass beside him before he drank it.

He heard a clanking noise coming towards the kitchen. He looked up to the doorway to see a red haired girl walking with fury. Her fists curled on her side. She walked to Calum and stopped in front of him.

"You. Me. Backyard. Now." Summer said through her gritted teeth.

Calum looked at Summer with confusion on his face. He scrunched his eyebrows. "What?"

"Just go to the backyard now," she demanded. She pushed Calum to the kitchen door that led to the backyard. She was too busy with her feelings that made her completely didn't realize the fact that Calum was shirtless that time.

Calum obeyed the girl's demand so he walked to the backyard. Summer closed the kitchen door after they stepped outside and she looked around to make sure that there's no one around.

"You know if you're horny and in need of some kind of pleasure, all you need to do is tell me or ask me nicely," Calum said with a smirk on his face. He leaned to the white brick wall beside him with amused look on his face.

This time it was Summer's turn to look at him with confusion.

"I never knew that you're the type of demanding girl when it comes to your need," Calum continued again, still with his signature smirk.

Summer gasped, finally getting what Calum meant. She swatted his shoulder with a scowl on her face. "I did not come to you to have sex with you, pervert!" She said, which causing Calum's smirk went even wider.

"Oh my Lord, please wipe off that pervert smirk of yours," Summer groaned. "I came here to talk to you about something important."

"Please don't tell me you killed someone," Calum said. His face dropped into a serious one.

Summer furrowed her eyebrows. "No. But if I have to kill anyone, it would be you," she answered.

"Why me?"

Summer was about to answer but she realized that their conversation was getting out of the main reason why Summer came to talk to him. "Just shut up for a moment and listen to what I've got to say," Summer complained.

"Oh my God, you're dying, aren't you? And you only have some time to live and now you fall in love with me. You're going to confess your love for me?" Calum gasped dramatically.

"What?" Summer said. "No, you dumbass."

"It's okay, Summer. Just continue your love confession but I have to warn you that my answer will be-."

Summer clamped Calum's mouth to shut him up. "Calum, shut up," she hissed and he nodded. She pulled her hand away from Calum's mouth and waited for a few seconds to see if he would continue to ramble something nonsense or not.

Calum stayed silent and Summer took it as a good sign. "I came here not because I was dying or whatever any other shits that you had thought in your mind," Summer started.

"Confessing my love for you?" She snorted. "Please, my feelings for you is far away from love. I came here to talk about Ashton."

Calum's body stiffened. He curled his fists so tight and his perfectly sculpted jaw was clenched. His playful mood has dropped and it was visible.

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