25. How To Make A Girl Likes You

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Calum opened the front door and heard some laughters from somewhere inside the house. He assumed that it was Michael and Helena who were laughing because Luke and Claire were still in Miami and no one else was at home beside those two and their son.

He followed the sound of the laughters and ended up in front of the kitchen doorway. Right to his assumption, Michael and Helena were there. They were laughing for whatever they saw on Michael's phone.

"What's so funny?" He asked at the couple as he walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple from a bowl before he took a bite.

The couple startled by his presence. Both of them quickly whipped their heads to see Calum was eating his apple while leaned to the kitchen counter by his side.

"Nothing," Michael shrugged and put his phone on the kitchen counter.

Helena just smiled and turned to the kitchen sink, washing the dishes since Mrs. Lee was on vacation with her family now.

"So, where were you last night?" Michael asked casually. He had this look on his face that telling Calum that he had already knew the answer, but he asked it for confirmation.

"Uhm- I was at the penthouse," Calum replied, trying to be as casual as he could. He knew it better not to lie to Michael because Michael would point out that he had lied to him at the end.

"Spending the night with our beautiful British lady?" A smug grin tugged on Michael's lips. He turned his head forward to see that Helena was already making her way back to her previous seat. "Relax, babe. You're more beautiful than Summer," he said to his fiancé and it made Helena give him a weird look before she rolled her eyes.

"Well, who would be at the penthouse besides Summer?" Calum shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't know. Your family maybe?"

Calum shrugged again. "They were not at the penthouse. They went to LA, looking for a wedding gift for Claire and Luke." Calum mentally rolled his eyes at their family's lame excuse for going to LA. He knew it better that they wanted to go to LA not because they wanted to buy a wedding gift for the soon-to-be married couple but mostly they wanted to see LA because they had never visited it before.

"So, what had you learn after spending time with Summer last night?" Michael asked, stirring his coffee.

Calum stared at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked back, acting dumb.

"I don't know," Michael shrugged. "Maybe you finally realized that you liked her or something like that," he said and smirked at Calum.

Calum sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like her more than a friend?" He groaned. The truth was he had realized that he did like Summer last night. He could tell it just by how he loved spending time with her, how he loved to see her, her green eyes and her smile. He loved her laugh. He loved her voice that always sent chills through his spine. In short, he loved everything about her.

"You're in denial," Michael snorted before he turned to see Helena. "Right, babe?" He said.

Helena nodded and looked at Calum. "It's really obvious, Cal. You're in denial right now. You know you have those weird feelings inside you whenever you're with her but you keep pushing it to the side. There's must be a reason why you act so oblivious," she pointed out.

Helena was right. But there was a reason why he kept acting like he didn't like her at all.

Calum said nothing at all and dropped his gaze to the floor. He hated the fact that everyone could see that he liked Summer.

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