18. A Conversation of Two Old Friends

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Michael kept watching how his best friend, Calum, would take a sneaky glance every minute to Summer who was currently standing across the room, talking with Helena, Claire and her aunt- Dominique.

"Something's wrong, mate?" He asked, rubbing his sweaty face with a towel.

"Huh? What?" Calum turned his head to Michael with confusion. "There's nothing wrong."

Michael raised his brow to Calum. "Oh, really? Because you kept glancing to Summer every now and then," he pointed out.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"Did not."

"Yeah, whatever, mate." Michael said, rolling his eyes.

Michael knew that there's something that Calum hid from him and he really wanted to know why. He had a feeling that maybe his friend finally realized that he had some kind of feeling towards Summer but he was just too stubborn to admit it out loud to anyone, even his best friends.

Michael turned his head to see the group of women across the room but he only found Summer and Ashton. His eyes were widened and he looked at Calum nervously. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. He wanted to test his theory about Calum had a feeling for Summer.

Michael cleared his throat to gain Calum's attention who was now typing something on his phone. "Don't look to the right," he said to Calum.

Calum cocked his eyebrows to his best friend, completely confused with what he said. "What?" He looked at his best friend with weird look.

"Just don't look to the right," Michael repeated again.

Calum shot his friend another weird look before he turned his head to see what's on the right side and that's when he saw them. Calum turned his head back to Michael and his expression remained blank. "I don't know why you told me not to look to the right. But I don't see anything's wrong with Summer and Ashton," he said to Michael.

"Dammit," Michael cursed under his breath. He was hoping that maybe Calum will show some kind of pained look or some sign of jealousy, but there was nothing. His face remained blank like he didn't bothered with the fact that Ashton was talking to Summer now.

Calum sighed. He knew what Michael purpose was. "Michael, do you really think that I like Summer?" He sighed again and ran his fingers through his black quiffed hair.

Michael only shrugged in response.

"I don't like her, okay? We're just... friends," Calum continued. He felt something weird when he told Michael that he and Summer were just friends, but he pushed the feeling to the side.

Claire decided to invite her friends to have lunch together at her and Luke's house. That's the reason why Calum was trapped in between Summer and Ashton. He sat next to Summer on his right side and Ashton on his left side. It wasn't planned though. It was just happened to be that way.

All of the people could sense the awkwardness between Calum and Ashton. Summer would even take some glances to check on both of them. She was scared that maybe Calum would attack Ashton all of sudden.

Previously, Summer had offered Calum to switch their places but he politely rejected it and said that he was fine with it. She had tried to offer it two or three times, but she finally stopped her attempts because she wouldn't risk the chance that Calum would be mad at her for being nosy.

Summer looked at Claire who sat at the end of the table on the right from the corner of her eyes. Summer could tell that Claire looked nervous. Even Claire would take a look both Ashton and Calum every minute to see their conditions.

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