28. Duke

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"Duke," she gasped, feeling out of breath suddenly.

Before she knew what happened, Calum threw a punch to Duke's face, causing Duke to fall to the ground. Summer let out a surprised scream and watched Duke covering his face.

She looked at Calum who was already in fury that time. "What the hell, Calum?" She yelled to his face and quickly helped Duke to get on his feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you punch him out of the blue?" Summer whisper shouted at Calum. They were at Summer's bedroom. She had dragged Calum with her to her bedroom, leaving Duke alone in the kitchen.

"That asshole deserves it," he shrugged nonchalantly.

Summer stared at him with disbelief. "But he didn't do anything to you, Calum. You couldn't just beat someone in public when you barely know him," she said.

Calum took a step closer towards Summer, trapping her between his body and the wall behind her. "I know he didn't do anything to me but he has dumped you for another girl, Summer. I thought I've told you that time that I would gladly punch his face for you if I met him. So I did," he argued, defending himself for the action that he had done a few minutes ago.

The close distance between them made her feel nervous but Summer pushed the feeling to the side.

Summer looked at him like he had grown another head. "But still you couldn't just hit him in public. Someone could've called the police. Have you ever thought about it before you punched him?" She argued back.

Calum felt angry and confused at the same time. He felt angry because he didn't know why but he felt jealous towards Duke. Maybe it was because the fact that he was Summer's ex and there was a possibility that both of them would fall in love with each other again- what even worst was both of them could've still had feelings for each other. He was confused because he didn't understand why Summer still wanted to defend the man who had dumped her for another woman.

"I bet you didn't think about it at all," Summer mumbled after there was no answer from Calum.

"Answer my question, Summer. Do you still love Duke?" He asked, catching Summer off guard.

"Why do I have to answer that question? We're not going to talk about that now," she hissed, pushing Calum so she could have some space.

"I'll leave you here alone so you can refresh your mind," Summer said and walked towards the front door.

Calum caught her arm and yanked her back towards him. Summer spun on her heels to see him. "Let me go! I swear, Cal-"

"You still love him, don't you?" He interrupted. He looked in her eyes, there was some expression that he didn't know.

"It's none of your business," she replied coldly, glaring at Calum with those green eyes. She yanked her arm and walked out of the room.

Calum swore he could hear his heart breaking. He curled his fists. He hated this pain. He thought he could have her, but no, someone came into the picture and ruined every single chance that he had. That someone was Duke. He decided to go out from the room and hid in the hallway to hear Summer and Duke's conversation.

"I'm really sorry for what happened before," Summer said to Duke.

"Nah, it's okay," Duke said with his annoying British accent. Calum didn't know why but he just found it annoying if Duke was the one who talked. "I have to say that your boyfriend has a good punch," he continued.

Calum snorted inwardly. He wanted to say that it was still nothing. He had done a lot of worst things than that.

Calum heard Summer's nervous laugh. "Calum? No, he is not my boyfriend. He's only a friend and a date for Claire's wedding," she said.

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