19. Calum's confession

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An early update because I've got nothing to do

"So, I see you and Calum are getting closer now," Claire said as she and Summer rummaged a line of hanged clothes in a dress shop.

Today, they were planning to see some dresses for the bridesmaids and went for a little shopping. Summer even planned to buy a dress for Claire's wedding. She even had planned what kind of dress that she would buy.

"Yeah, we are in a good term now," Summer said casually. She took out a peach dress from the hanger, looking at it before she put it back.

"Oh, that one is cute. Please try it on," Claire gushed and Summer took the dress back. "Have he asked you on a date or something?"

Summer quirked her newly plucked eyebrow to Claire. "No. We are just friends, okay?" She replied, emphasizing the word 'just'.

Claire snorted, completely ignoring Summer's statement. "Okay. What about Ashton?" She asked as she looked at a blue dress that she took from the line of dresses.

Summer shrugged her shoulders before she pulled out a red chiffon dress. "He's okay," she said casually once again.

"You can say anything about Ashton, Summer. You've known the truth. It's okay," Claire tried to push Summer to tell the truth.

Summer sighed before she pulled out another red dress. "He hasn't asked me on another date again. So yeah..." She trailed off, feeling unsure what to say next.

"You know that I'm talking about your feelings to him," Claire said while rolling her eyes at how hesitant Summer was.

Summer sighed again before she received another dress that Claire had pulled out for her. "To be honest, I haven't thought about it," she mumbled.

"You don't need to think about it, Summer. If you like him, your heart will say it."

Summer went silent. She continued to look at another line of clothes. Claire noticed that Summer wasn't in the mood to talk about her feelings so she decided to drop off the topic and changed it before she could ruin her friend's mood.

"You said that you're going to find a dress for my wedding," she started, "You know that I have a designer that always available to design your dream dress, right?"

Summer laughed while shaking her head. "No designer dress for me."

"Is it because of the price? I can always pay it for you," Claire offered.

"Well, yes but no, thank you. I think I've costed you a lot," Summer politely rejected Claire's offer.

"Oh, please," Claire scoffed, "You haven't costed me anything, Summer. You're going to be the singer in my wedding day. You even rejected to be paid so please take my offer as the payment."

"No. Staying at your penthouse is enough for me."

"Please..." Claire begged with her puppy eyes.

Summer looked at her friend, knowing that this girl in front of her could never take a no as an answer. "I can't say no, can I?" She said, biting her bottom lip.

Claire cheered happily before she pulled out her phone. "I'm going to meet her today to do a fitting. I'll call her to inform her that she has a new designing job to do," she said.
Summer and Claire walked into the store where Claire would do her wedding dress fitting. As they walked in, they were greeted by the shop assistants and line of beautiful dresses for any kind of events.

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