I love you Four

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Tris POV~

After a couple minutes of limping and Caleb dragging me down the hall, I saw Christina. Her eyes were focused on my wounds than me.

"Tris! What the hell happened?!" She screams.

"I-I will tell you later. But honestly I need help." I whimpered.

"Someone call the first aid now!" Caleb shouted.

"They are on their way. Set her here." A man said.

"Here, I have bandages to stop some of the bleeding" a woman spoke.

Tobias POV~

I walk into the building and everyone is running and in a hurry. What the heck is going on? Where's Tris?! Zeke, (He came along in the story) came up behind me. I forgot about Uriah and how he died. I mean they are taking him off of the machine. How can I tell him?

"Four, It's Tris." He barely spoke.

My eyes widen and my body tensed. Please tell me she's a live.

"Where is she?" Is all that I could say.

Then a skinny, weak girl with short blonde hair is being helped by Christina. Tris. My Tris is bleeding and extremely pale. I run to her and she sees me.

"Tobias.. I'm so-" she was cut off and she fell straight into my arms. Her body was fragile and so cold. She can't die. Not yet.

"Tris. No. Wake up" I started to shake.

Tris POV~

All I remember is seeing Tobias and then I blacked out. My Tobias. I can't leave him. He's my other half and he would be devastated. I slowly wake up and I'm in a white room. There are two red chairs and I look down at myself. A blue and white poka-dot hospital gown was on me. I honestly hate the smells of hospitals.

Then the door opens. I realized who it was. A tall, masculine man with dark brown hair and breath taking blue eyes turns towards me.

"How are you feeling?" Tobias asked.

"Besides the smell and this uncomfortable bed I have never been better" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Why'd you go in there Tris?" He blurted out.

"Tobias, I cannot describe how much I love you. No words could express the meaning. But, I knew what I was doing. No, I wasn't putting my life in danger. I was going to sacrafice myself over love and protection, but Caleb. He was only doing it over guilt. No way could I possibly live without me blaming myself for his death" I explain, praying that he understands.

"Alright. Tris just promise me that you'll wait for me. I would kill myself if anything happened to you." He managed to smile and kissed my forehead.

"Well, I know I can survive death serum now. Oh, Evelyn! How did it go with her?" I was tired of talking about me so I changed the subject.

"She agreed. So there will still be factions, but if anyone is divergent they won't be killed. Also if you can't survive in one faction you are allowed to retake the test." Tobias explained.

"That's much better. Factions were apart of our lives and I don't know what I would do without them." I confessed.

"Oh, good news. About Uriah... He's alive Tris. His heart beat is going back to normal and he's starting to breathe on his own." Tobias grinned.

"That's amazing! Thank god!" A smile crept onto my face. Uriah is a close friend and was always there for me.

"I love you Tris." Tobias whispered.

"I love you too."

"I love you three."

Silly Tobias. I know where he's going with this. Mine as well go along with it.

"I love you four." I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

It was true. I do truly love him.

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