One on One

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Tris POV~

After we finished cleaning up the equipment I reminded Tobias what I told him earlier.

"Maybe you shouldn't have this lesson or I could stay." He offered.

"No, then he will suspect something. I'll be fine. I promise." Then I kissed him.

"Oh Six I'm hereeee." Adam sang out.

"Shit. Leave out the back door." I whispered to Tobias.

As he does that I started to get everything ready and then I felt someone's hands on my waist.

"So Six, what are we doing first." Adam is very close.

"Fighting. Get on the floor and we will cover basics." I commanded.

We started fighting and I could easily tell his flaws. He never defends himself. He keeps his body unsteady and holds back when he wants to hit.

"Okay so there are something's you need to cover. Defend yourself. If you want to win you need to learn to block. So I'll hit you in various places and you have to block yourself." I told him and he nodded.

I went for his shoulder and he didn't block in time. I went for the other one, this time he blocked it.

"Good." And I smiled. I'm good at teaching.

Then I took my foot and swung at his stomach. He caught it and pulled me close. My breaths became heavy and I need to back up. I know what he's planning.

"I have a boyfriend Adam. We can't happen." I stuttered. Damn it.

He pulled me closer and held my arms down. I can't move. He's holding me. In place...

"Oh Six. That's too bad. I'll be your boyfriend. Whoever it is can't be as good as me." With that he started kissing my neck. I glanced at the clock and it was 5:34. Tobias is coming. Any second now.

I manage to get my legs and I swept his feet. He fell on the floor and I kicked him in the stomach.

"Touch me again and you'll be factionless." I warned. I turned around and there was Tobias.

"What the hell was going on here?" He was confused but had concern in his eyes.

"I was trying to give him a one on one lesson on fighting. He touched me... And it's over with. I'll be leaving now." I moved past him and wait in the hallway. Adam walks to the dorms not even noticing me.

"Tris you okay?" Tobias came and hugged me.

"So disgusting." I muttered.

"Did he kiss you?" Tobias winced.

"On the neck yes. Then I beat the living shit out of him." I smiled and jumped on Tobias' back.

"Where too?" Tobias said in a British accent.

"To Zeke's Place. I need a drink and some fun!" I laughed and Tobias started running.

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