Sad Saturday

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Tris POV~

I think I slept to hard because I'm exhausted. I wake up with the sun shining through the window. Still, I'm wrapped in Tobias' arms and I tried my best not to wake him. Last night was wild and I'm finally 18. Today we will be cleaning the apartment and hanging around.

I walk into the bathroom and see my hair getting to my shoulders. Looking at it being long just reminds of the old me. It reminds me of the past. So I'll wait until I'll cut it short again. Short was free for me. After taking a shower, my hair is in a pony tail and I put on black sweats and one of Tobias' sweaters.

"Tris.... What are we doing today?" Tobias rolled off the bed and landed on the floor.

I walk out and say, "Good job. And to answer your question, we will be cleaning. Tomorrow is wedding planning."

"Jolly." He got up and got ready for the day.

There was a knock coming from the door but I ignored it. Then there was someone pounding on it so I opened the door expecting Christina but what I saw is something my eyes will never recover from. Will, is hanging by a rope with blood dripping from his neck. Knives stabbed into his back. I let out a ear shattering scream and untied the rope letting him drop into my arms.

"Will! Will! Wake up please! God Will get up!" I scream with tears dripping down my face.

"Tris what are you-" Tobias stopped where he was. He came over and pulled me away from Will.

"He's dead. He is not alive. I can't breathe. This is my fault. I should- I could have opened the door faster or I could have checked with-" I ramble but Tobias just picks me up and locks us in the bedroom.

"Tris. Relax. Please calm down. I'm calling the control room." Tobias is worried and he went to call people.

My best friends boyfriend was dead in front of me. All I did was panic and cry. What is wrong with me? And why the hell is it always my friends?! I wanted to scream. I wanted to bang my head against the wall and stab knives into my eyes. The pain was killing me.

My heart was beating out of my chest. Now I can't breathe easily and tears are flowing like a river.

"Tobias. I can't. I'm panicking. I can't breathe!" I stuttered and I fall to the floor but Tobias ran and caught me.

He cradled me into his lap and stroked my hair.

"I'm so sorry Tris. This shouldn't have happened." He kissed my hair.

After a couple hours, Will was reported dead on scene and was declared murder. They cleaned our apartment for us and we don't have to work for the next week since we need to recover from the horrifying scene.

I walked and sat on the couch and I'm just wearing Tobias' shirt. Tobias walked over and pulled me onto his lap.

"I know you're scared. But I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Nothing is okay but we are. We will always be okay." He murmurs into the top of my head and I kiss him deeply.

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