I Am Only Yours

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Tris POV~

Baby Tenley is already 4 months old. She learned how to roll over and her light blonde hair is growing in. I went back to work last month and lost a couple pounds already. I'm still skinny but muscles are stronger. Christina also had her son, Luke. He is the same age as Tenley and they get along great with each other. Ava's birthday, Shauna's daughter will be turning one this month.

"Ten what are you doing?" I pick her up and kiss her chubby cheeks.

I'm alone with her again, Tobias has been missing lately. He comes home late and I never know where he is.

"Are you ticklish?" I tickle her feet and she giggles. I love her little laugh.

The front door opens and he walks in.

"I'm so sorry. What time is it?" His hair is a mess.

"7:30.. Where have you been?" I put Ten in her bouncy chair and walk over to him. I run my hands through my short hair.

"I'll tell you later." He tries to move but I get in his way.

"You say that every time! You haven't been here for a week Tobias! I keep telling myself to trust you but you're really leaving me no choice but to not!" I snap.

"Tris please. You'll understand later." He had concern in his eyes.

"I heard Dani has a new boyfriend. Four I swear to god if you're cheating on me you mine as well tell me now!" I am furious.

"I would never cheat on you. And don't use that name against me." And he walked around me into the kitchen.

"Fuck you." I grab my jacket and slam the door.

I don't know where I'm going. I want all these thoughts out of my head. Then this happened. Someone put a bag over my head. Two other people grabbed my arms and legs. I screamed. I wasn't too far from the apartment but I'm afraid Tobias won't save me. That's when I had to fight for myself.

"Throw her now!" It was Dani. That little son of a bitch.

My anger grew stronger. I will not let this scare me. I threw my legs down with all my might. I punched her in the face as strong as I can and kicked both of the guys where the sun doesn't shine.

"Don't try to kill me again. I'm ten times stronger then you'll ever be." With that, I kicked her in the face and walked away.

Tobias POV~

I feel bad that I can't tell Tris about my plan. Our anniversary will be coming up and I'm trying to plan something but she worries I'm cheating on her. I love her too much to even think that. All of a sudden I heard a high pitch scream. I run into the living room and Tenley is chewing on her hands. I picked her up and ran out of the apartment.

I see Tris running back into the hallway.

"Tris what the hell?" I ask with Tenley leaning into my shoulder.

"Your little girlfriend tried killing me. Again!" She took Tenley out of my hands and shoved past me.

"Beatrice! I'm not cheating on you! How can I prove to you that I'm not? Can't you just have faith in me?" I shout.

"I don't know." She sighs.

I go up behind her and wrap my arms around her. She leans into my chest and I whisper into her ear, "You are only mine. And I am only yours."

She blushes and her breaths starts to get shaky. I love when I do that to her. I creep my hands under her tang top and trace her hip bone.

"What do I need to do to show you how much I love you?" I kiss her ear.

"Tobias..." Her voice is weak.

I take her wrist with my other hand and kiss the tattoo we both got on our wedding day. Then I kiss each of her ravens.

"Tobias.. No" She tries to resist but she won't move.

"Put her to sleep and we can finish this." I turn her chin towards me and kiss her, showing her that she's my whole.

After Tenley fell asleep, Tris walked in and I picked her up bridal style. I lay her on the comfy bed and begin to kiss her with all my might.

Then I trace her jaw and her collarbone.

"Tobias please..." She sighs.

"Mine." I went back to kiss her lips and things escalated pretty quickly from there.

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