Happy Anniversary!

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Tobias POV~

Tris has cooled down a bit. Last night started ugly but turned out sweet. It's 7:32 in the morning and Tris is curled up next to me. I breathe in her scent, her hair smells like fruit and her face is full of life even when she sleeps. I don't understand she thinks she's not beautiful because she's breath taking to me.

"Why are you staring at me?" She flips onto her stomach and pushes her face into the pillow.

I prop myself up on one arm and rub her back.

"Just thinking of how lucky I am to wake up with you."

She turns back onto her back and takes my hands.

"That is so cheesy." She giggles.

"But it's true." I lean down and peck her on the lips.

Tris POV~

I realized I needed to trust Tobias. Whatever he's doing doesn't involve Dani. He's not the cheating type. We were cuddling in bed until I heard our lovely daughter's cries.

"Ten is up." I sigh and get out of bed.

Tobias nods his head and heads into the shower. I find a pair of shorts and slip them on. I run my fingers through my short dirty blonde her. Carefree is all I can think. I walk into Tenley's room and she's rolling around with her fingers in her mouth.

"What on earth are you doing?" I burst into laughter.

She giggles and I pick her up. I smell her diaper and there was definitely something in the there.

"Oh jeez what did you eat?" I laugh and she smiles.

I change her diaper and change her into a onesie that says, "I'm a daddy's girl!" And I put on black pants over her.

"There's my girl!" Tobias walks in with a black tee-shirt and jeans. His hair is damp and his face is shaved. Fresh.

"Well superstar take her so I can get ready." I hand Tenley over and she giggles when Tobias kisses her cheek.

"Christina is watching her tonight. We have a surprise." He grins.

I laugh and walk to the bathroom. I start the shower and let the warm water relax my body. For the first time I don't feel sore. I massage my head and rinse my body. Initiation will be in one week.

I meet Tobias and Ten in the kitchen. He's feeding her a bottle while reading a book. They look so adorable. I put on a black sweater and jeans. It's January so it's cold.

"I'm headed to work. I'll see you tonight?" I ask.

"Mhm. Have fun!" He calls out.

~~~~~~~~~~Later that Night~~~~~~

Tris POV~

I got home from the tattoo parlor. Tobias dropped off Ten at Chris's place and is lounging on the couch. I walk over and lay down with him.

"So what's our plan?" I snuggle into him.

"You'll see. Don't wear anything fancy." He plays with my hair.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Then I kiss him and I remember it's our anniversary.

"Happy third year Anniversary!" I giggle and kiss him on the cheek.

"Well that was suppose to be my surprise but fine!" He jokes.

I laugh and he gets up pulling me with him. We have to be back by 9 to pick up Ten. (That's funny though lmao xD)

"How do you feel about zip lining?" He has a smirk on my face and excitement is flowing through my body. I nod and we run to the top of the roof.

The cool air ran through my hair. Tobias beat me there and we got up to the top. The sight was unbelievable. City lights were shining everywhere. The moonlight was stronger than ever. Stars twinkled and it was magical.

"You sure you want to do this Tobias?" I grab his hand and lean into him.

"Want to? No. Have to? Yes." He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"Ok I'll go first and I'll meet you down there okay?" I set myself up.

"Yeah." Is all he said.

Tobias POV~

Fear is creeping to my mind. But I need to do this. Tris says it's not scary at all. It feels like you're flying. Mine as we'll give it a try. Tris is ready and she went off into the dark night. I heard her screams echo through the night and it was a playful one.

Now it was my turn. I got into the sling and remembered to pull the brake when it's time to stop. I breathed in and went for it. I immediately regret ever thinking about this. I was weightless in the air and all I keep thinking of is falling face first.

"Crap why did I do this?!" I scream and hold onto the vest for dear life. Then I tell myself to relax. To breathe in the crisp air and enjoy this moment.

I kind of understand how Tris loves this. Tris reminds me of a raven. She's strong, dangerous and ready to fly. I pull the brake and jump down.

"How was it?" She asked.

I pulled her close and whispered, "Amazing just like you."

"Is this what you were planning all week?" She looked up with her eyes glowing.

"Yes." And with that I kiss her with all the faith and trust I had.

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