Potty Training and Walking?

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Tris POV~
Tenley is so adorable that I would do anything for that girl. She loves candy but she also loves to stay active. Today we are trying to teach her to walk. When I say we... I mean Tobias. She gets up and falls right over. She's 1 years old going to be 2 soon. I would help teach but right now I'm carrying our soon be son, Tanner.

"Come on Ten! Over here!" Tobias exclaims.

She gets on her feet, holding onto the table. All of sudden she starts to giggle and run towards him. He catches her and smooches a big kiss on her cheek.

"That's my girl!" She giggles and I smile.

Then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened to see my brother, Caleb dressed in blue.

"Yes dear brother?" I smile with a hint of sarcasm.

"You're pregnant, again?" He sounds pissed off.

"Uh yes. Four months actually." I correct him.

He pulls me out of the door and talks to me privately, "Really Tris! You're only 20 years old and you're knocked up! For gods sake you shouldn't have even got married at 18! I should have called it off!"

"Stay out of my face. I have known Four for a long time. We have gone through so much and so help me I love my daughter. And soon to be son! So drag your little erudite ass out of the dauntless compound before I call the control room to take you out!" I shout.

He looks stun. As if I could never be rude. Guess what? Tobias is my family now. He never back stabbed me. I walk in and hug Tobias tight noticing Tenley feel asleep on the couch.

"Rough time?" He pulls me onto his lap on the couch.

"He never understood. It was so cruel. I don't want to see his face again." I lean into his shoulder and sigh. He starts to rub my back and puts his other hand on my baby bump.

"Tanner will be a better sibling to his sister." He kisses me on the lips and believe him.

Tobias POV~
I wake up to a screaming one year old. I climb out of bed and try not to wake Tris up. Ten is standing up in her crib with tears down her face.

"Awe, ten! No more tears." I pick her up and cuddle her.

"Dada. Baba." She sniffs.

"Okay but tell me no more crying." I look at her face.

"No cwying!"she smiles and I carry her into our bedroom. It's 8 in the morning but feels like 3. Tris is just waking up so I set Ten down by her and get her bottle ready.

"Mama!" She crawls on the bed and Tris places her in her lap.

"Baby girl, where's your brother?" She grins when Tenley points to her stomach.

Tris POV~
Today we plan on potty training Ten since she will be two next month. I dress her up in a black jacket and black pants. I let her play with her toys while Tobias and I set up Tanner's nursery. We decided on a gray theme with black furniture.

"Mama I got potty!" She whines crossing her legs.

I look at Tobias and we both run. I pick her up and he sets the toilet up. We set her down and stare.

"Look way!" She shoos us and we turn around. When we heard her doing her business we both high fived each other. We turn around and poof! She was gone.

"Ten?" I shout.

"Catch me mama!" She runs with no bottoms on. Tobias runs and scoops her up.

"Bad girl!" I kissed her forehead.

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